Example sentences of "and [prep] my [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It only remained for us to forgive one another , and for my part I gladly forgave him for anything that might still need forgiveness .
2 It 's all good-humoured teasing and winding up , and for my part I 've long since ceased to care whether or not anyone regards me as the worst climber in the world or some sort of antediluvian relic with no rights to any opinion on ‘ rock climbing as it is done these days . ’
3 The March of Progress has alas transformed the goodly white bread into that unique substance , restaurateur 's toast , while tea and coffee are replaced by gin-and-tonic or a bottle of white wine , and for my part I would say none the worse for that .
4 Having no qualifications I launched into a career as a journalist and for my health it became downhill all the way .
5 And for my taste it fulfils the first law of festivals — it 's fun .
6 After I was born she put on a lot of weight , and although eventually she lost most of it , my birth was seen as to blame for her weight problem , and throughout my childhood she reminded me of this .
7 Some memory of magic still clung to it , and with my art there was enough ; he drank , looked into my eyes , and could never again think of any other woman .
8 The toilets and bathrooms and showers were at the end of the hall on the second floor , and from my window I had a splendid view of the cathedral , whose Gothic , Renaissance and baroque styles mingled perfectly in the dark-rose-and-amber stone to give it almost the appearance of some natural rock formation .
9 Up in the mountain , the Bible belt was drenched and from my window I can see the river running strongly as a result .
10 Remember that Dwarfs like small caves and from my experience I question whether you can create these with bogwood .
11 Remember that Dwarfs like small caves and from my experience I question whether you can create these with bogwood .
12 He admitted he had been stupid , but said : ‘ They are too easily available and from my experience I think they should be banned . ’
13 and from my God my right is disregarded .
14 So the bacterial genes share a common destiny with their host 's genes , and in my interpretation we should expect the bacteria to cooperate with their beetles in all aspects of life .
15 ‘ It was done by experts and in my heart I knew it was wrong . ’
16 And in my diary I 've got one for tomorrow night , for an organization called the Judges Guild in Leicester , somewhere in the Road area .
17 The wagon that carried her was waylaid and stolen by vagabonds in the forests of my domain , and in my lands she came to rest . ’
18 Amongst numerous documents , the Soviet customs declaration demands the visitor to fill in a questionnaire stating : ‘ With me and in my luggage I have : ( i ) weapons of all descriptions and ammunitions ( ii ) narcotics and appliances for the use thereof . ’
19 I have crossed deserts , visited fabulous cities , and in my journeys I have amassed many secrets and mysteries ! ’
20 The proof of the pudding was in the eating , and in my case I 'd got the ingredients wrong .
21 Those got taken up with a lot of promotional work , and in my case I found that charities got in touch with me a lot to open fetes , attend jumble sales , etc .
22 And in my case it 's always nothing else . ’
23 If there were any ambiguity as to the meaning of the section — and in my judgment there is not — it would be resolved by a glance at the Report of the Committee on the Age of Majority ( 1967 ) ( Cmnd. 3342 ) ( ‘ the Latey Report ’ ) to see what was the mischief which the section was intended to remedy .
24 Or , as the characters would probably say , this being a series infatuated with villainous jargon , ‘ You 've bin telling porkies , PC — and in my manor we 're strictly kosher ’ .
25 They were next to mine , and in my hurry I picked up both sets . ’
26 And in my mind I saw them reaching between their legs to clutch their precious bags .
27 For years afterwards I only had to hear it played and in my mind I would be back on the muddy camp site , feeling again the excitement and fun and tragedy which filled the air .
28 I was nearly desperate by this time , and in my drunkenness I said ‘ Yes , if you want to know I 'm in love with Hanns and I 'm missing him ; now please go ! ’
29 Oh no you Well again er as I say I I 'm speaking in in my own time , er and in my time you were left school before you started in the yard at all , aye .
30 That 's what this house is here for , it is here to introduce primary legislation if we need it and in my view we do need it in this area and it is it 's high time the government recognised that and should not be afraid t t t to take action simply because primary legislation is required .
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