Example sentences of "and [Wh det] we be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 These traditions were encapsulated in everything which we did and which we were taught .
2 THE MINEMA IN KNIGHTSBRIDGE makes a welcome reopening with La Belle Noiseuse : Divertimento ( 15 ) , the shorter version of Jacques Rivette 's splendid La Belle Noiseuse which runs for four hours and which we were shown the other day .
3 This search for watersheds is to a large extent misguided ; where we place the transformation will depend on the precise question we are asking and what we are seeking to explain .
4 Just showing the general layout and what we are trying to do in terms of housekeeping and cleanliness .
5 And what we are trying to do is attract other business into that floor space .
6 ‘ The cost is killing us , and what we are trying to do is make a proportion of business profitable once more .
7 In this article we aim to give you a snapshot of the Administration Centre , the people who make the unit tick , how we organise ourselves and what we are learning from the experience .
8 But each of us is different , and our needs vary according to the time of day and what we are doing .
9 There are others in the market place who simply want to know more about us and what we are doing .
10 ‘ We recognise all the work that goes in to promoting a greener Middlesbrough and what we are doing here will hopefully strengthen that community involvement . ’
11 Now you ca n't possibly test a medicine on ten thousand people before you start to sell it , so that sort of risk , as rare a risk as that , will only be picked up when the medicine has actually been in use and on the market and been properly prescribed for some years , and what we are doing now , and what is particularly interesting , is to start to use computers to pick up these adverse reactions so that we know much more quickly in future if a medicine is doing any harm and we can either stop prescribing it for the people who are going to suffer from it , and that 's the most likely thing , or else take it off the market altogether if it 's if we do n't if we ca n't pick out the people who might be at risk .
12 Love is what we are , and what we are becoming — however hard we might resist it !
13 A balance is therefore established between what we are losing and what we are gaining , and this balance enables us to view our losses with a reasonable degree of calmness .
14 I will not seek to justify this , any more than I would expect the Tories to justify the three day week , the Suez Crisis or any other element of their sordid history , for what we are discussing is a situation facing thousands of people in this district today , and what we are gon na do to ensure that they have a future .
15 So in a way , what my teachers here and what we are arguing about is that we want a school which cares for individual children , which rejects both extremes that I 've mentioned .
16 Given the bodily likeness of the great apes to ourselves , and what we are told of the similarities of brain-size and structure , sensory apparatus , pregnancy span , and early cognitive competence , this is as it should be .
17 A draft copy of the conference programme is enclosed and what we are attempting to do is :
18 And what we 're getting here actually is a recreation of the area health authority they 're actually gon na be situated in the same office block where the old area authority used to be in Witham erm , and the community health council which I represent this authority on has certainly been er , raising a number of questions about this for fear of centralisation in Witham , erm with perhaps the lack of accessibility to local needs of West Essex and in Harlow particularly , .
19 The photic zone is , this is percent saturation of oxygen fully saturated and what we 're seeing here is oxygen being utilized by respiration .
20 There 's some that are going up at the moment to this pond , they develop them for the next three years to spend their life in the fresh water feeding , and what we 're trying to do here is to see just how many there are in , in the river er as a total .
21 And what we say is , and what we 're trying to put over , I 'm su I 'm sure you 're fully aware of yourselves , is that it 's no good going around driving your drives thinking that it 's never going to happen to you .
22 This , we 're all agreed that it 's a marketing exercise and what we 're trying to do is to get across to our clients , what we have to offer to them .
23 First and foremost though , we want to go back to basics and erm get our ideas absolutely straight as regards what quality is and what we 're trying to achieve with I S O Nine Thousand .
24 and what we 're trying to do is plough whatever we get back into the group
25 It 's grown up like topsy , and what we 're trying to do is to equalize that .
26 So in terms of equality of access to service , just like I was talking about with elderly people , people with families do n't have an equality of access and what we 're trying to do is build up in those other areas those services .
27 And what we 're trying to do is to give him this family feeling that everybody behind here , the whole team , every single worker is rooting for him and making sure that he has the best .
28 She says it is going to be a struggle for her because it is quite a severe leg injury but she 's determined and what we 're looking at now is very good recovery so thpat should continue .
29 Do n't look like that — I know it 's horrid , having to take people 's money , but we 've got to live , and what we 're going to do is absolutely honest and above-board . ’
30 And what we 're going to do is to say You had your water tablet this morning have n't you ?
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