Example sentences of "and [Wh det] it [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace ( CCJP ) issued a statement in Harare on March 27 accusing ZANU-PF of responsibility for the near-fatal shooting incident which , allegedly , occurred in the presence of uniformed police , and which it described as a " gross misuse of state machinery for intimidation purposes " .
2 Both he and Mr Heseltine warned against making light of the huge trade deficit and what it said about the manufacturing base of the economy .
3 German memory of Weimar instability , and what it led to , is strong .
4 Lee sat with her hand gripped tightly around the curved handle of a pint mug of beer and tried to work out who could have decorated the rostrum with this masochistic phrase and when and why and what it meant to the writer and whether the evening 's entertainment was aware of the invitation signalling beneath her feet .
5 I turned to an investigation of my own family and my class background , and what it meant to be a woman … = This was the starting point of a project on ‘ my history ’ which I began by tentatively examining photographs of myself and ended by taking control over how I wanted to be photographed .
6 He wished to know not simply that he was looking for something , but what it was and what it looked like .
7 If anything should have shaken up a national psyche for the Germans it was World War two and what it did to them .
8 Much taken aback , not least because Amy and I had had a number of conversations about her low opinion of the Church and what it stood for , I asked how she knew it was Jesus .
9 With the final umbrella of the Charter , which theoretically laid down the principles of the paper and what it stood for , the last bricks were put into the edifice .
10 reported that , an Environmental Health Officer in North Wales , had requested information about the Institute and what it stood for .
11 When it seemed that the sound and whatever it emanated from was about to overwhelm us , the engine and coaches of an express train appeared in the left-hand window and whizzed past a few feet from the front bumper .
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