Example sentences of "and [that] she would be " in BNC.

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1 Wilson was immediately worried that the rooms she had ready would not be thought adequate , that indeed she did not know if she herself thought they were adequate , and that she would be unable to prepare meals in her feeble condition , but Miss Blagden laid to rest all her anxieties .
2 At first the thought of going back to work made me shudder because I could n't stand the thought of leaving Danielle for an hour let alone a whole day , but once my husband Dave and I had left Danielle with a babysitter a couple of times , I realised that she would still be there when I came back and that she would be fine .
3 But on the picket line Bob Busby had pointed out to her that the Shadow Scheme was official University business and that she would be strike-breaking if she kept her appointment .
4 She hated it , and she was afraid of it , because she doubted her power to escape ; even after two years in London , she still thought that her brain might go or that her nerve might snap , and that she would be compelled to return , feebly , defeated , to her mother 's house .
5 It is , of course , true that , had she paused to consider the matter , the woman might have realised that it could prove difficult to acquire a gun and that she would be able to seek help once he had left .
6 In the company of and from the Key Street Office , I attended the funeral and an address given by a friend and neighbour paid a glowing tribute to recalling how much she enjoyed life and that she would be missed by her many friends .
7 Immediately she 'd sensed that this was wrong , that there was nothing for her in this office , and that she 'd be at risk if she stayed around a moment longer than was necessary .
8 Had he been hoping for Doreen to arrive and say she was no longer interested in the large Hastings home and that she 'd be willing to live anywhere with him — even to work beside him out in the wilderness ?
9 However , the latter was brushed aside when she recalled that this was a barbecue day and that she 'd be working beside Silas .
10 There had been so much else to do : such as leaving a brief note for Julie , and also contacting her office to explain the problem and that she 'd be in touch with them as soon as possible .
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