Example sentences of "and [that] [pron] will [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Now that 1992 has ended and a New Year has begun , I am confident that our Institute is in a strong position to deal with the challenges and opportunities which will come our way during 1993 , and that we will steadily ‘ go forward together and progress ’ .
2 As a result I undergo a bout of conscience , taking the short rod only when Odd-Knut assures me that we will eat whatever we catch , and that we will probably not catch anything .
3 Joan said : ‘ I want people to know that Brian has never been forgotten and that we will never give up hope that his murderer will be found . ’
4 We have just seen that banks have the power to create money through lending and that they will frequently have a commercial interest in so doing .
5 Any other taxpayers who have agreed with the Inland Revenue that an action is a test case and that they will also benefit from the decision against the Revenue , should also not be affected by any retrospective amendment .
6 They pick a year in the future when they know that there will have been a general election and that they will probably not be in the same job as when they gave the commitment .
7 The corollary of the theory , of course , is that ads for the cheap , day-to-day , convenience type of product are of so little interest to anybody that they should carry a minimum of information , and that they will even then have great difficulty in achieving any very active response from customers .
8 A point worth making here is that patients need to understand from an early stage the meaning of diabetes , that they have diabetes now and that they will always have it .
9 The government 's policy on community care ignores the significance of this change , and assumes that women ‘ will continue to accept their cultural designation as carers ’ and that they will always be willing to sacrifice work opportunities in the interests of caring for dependent relatives .
10 ‘ We believe we are making our financial statements more understandable , and that they will now be able to be read by people other than actuaries .
11 I 'm very happy that they 've been picked up and that they will now be on their way to Chile .
12 Ca ca n't you just , ca n't Jim just brief his staff , but er as far as that 's concerned w he takes it that the Q S has asked him to do all the site measurement er and that they will then produce the certification
13 English Heritage says , however , that since the publication of the strategy , they have had seventeen expressions of interest from local authorities and that they will only hand over in cases where they are sure that maintenance will be adequate and public access guaranteed : ‘ We will do everything we can to assist those authorities that need help by giving guidance and support — which could include pump-priming of posts …
14 But this is to assume that humans have a natural capacity to recognise and reflect on their interests , and that they will only stand so much injustice .
15 We are all prone , especially when we are children , to assume that things have always been as we find them , and that they will never change .
16 I have also heard many environmentalists argue with passion that the cause of animal rights is subsidiary to the cause of protecting the environment , and that one will only follow from the other .
17 Some campaigns are doomed to failure from the start and that one will certainly be a waste of time .
18 please would you tell Bill I will not be staying at the same hotel as the owners , and that I will again not be going to the president 's lunch , but that I will be at the races , even if he does n't see me . ’
19 The character table for C 3 ν ; the point group concerned , shows that this vibration must therefore be totally symmetric , of a 1 symmetry species , and that it will also be Raman active .
20 I suspect , though , that the 25SE 's appearance is going to grow on us , and that it will probably also form the basis for further new combos from Fender .
21 It has just told me that the trial has proved successful and that it will shortly make the address service available nationwide .
22 It would be unrealistic to suggest that a good organic diet , daily meditation and aromatherapy massage is the answer to life 's problems , and that it will somehow cocoon us in an etheric pink haze for the rest of our days !
23 Insignia figures that emulation will become de rigeur on all machines by and by and that it will just become a utility house .
24 It seems unlikely that the objections received will be successfully negotiated and withdrawn and that it will therefore be necessary to hold a Public Local Inquiry into this plan .
25 This arises because they rely not on ‘ false consciousl1ess ’ but on the ‘ last instance ’ to sustain the belief that the ruling class always has power over other classes and that it will always dominate the state .
26 ‘ A great part of the Bible is to show us that all creatures are in God 's hand , and that He will either make our afflictions work together for good , or remove them .
27 There is an assumption that at some stage the child will marry and that he will either cease to contribute or that his contributions on marriage will be greatly reduced , and therefore it is usual to apply a low multiplier in cases of this kind .
28 However , they have underestimated Tamburlaine to the extent that they believe that he will always be a ‘ sturdy scythian thief ’ and that he will never change .
29 Remember that language is a shared activity and that you will only be able to put your message across if you can speak easily and fluently .
30 We hope that you will always enjoy life together , a very long and happy life together , and that you will always retain the enthusiasm of this new start , and remember the joy and delight of finding each other , which is so evident today .
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