Example sentences of "and [vb -s] [conj] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She took five years to do it , five years of remissions and declines and suffering borne with no patience whatever .
2 Extrusive igneous activity is more commonly referred to as volcanism and occurs where magma erupts on to the surface either as flowing lava , or as fragmental material thrown into the air by explosive volcanic activity .
3 He reports experimental evidence which suggests that adolescent middle-class Jamaicans can distinguish " Jamaican English " from " Jamaican Creole " , and shows that code switching between these two can be identified not only in contemporary speech , but also in the speech of characters in literary texts .
4 Cummings suggests that the microcomputer is a powerful generator of discussion which should be fostered and not ignored and states that Language has a triple function in education : for communication as a thinking tool and a shaper of leanings .
5 The rising level of violence , strained relations between London and Dublin and fears that failure to restart the talks will lead to President Clinton 's plans for a peace envoy being revived , all appear to have prompted Mr Major to take a personal interest .
6 The parietal assemblages have the essential characteristics of a message : they respond to the needs and means that man has had since the Upper Palaeolithic to produce oral symbols in a material form by using his hands .
7 Many now have a pause button which allows you to avoid these irritations and means that play starts again immediately you release pause .
8 The loss of enthusiasm is death of the soul , and means that growth has stopped .
9 But then Burgess , though a master of many moods , seems to mistrust the comic , and believes that entertainment falsifies the world by concentrating on matter rather than manner .
10 And demonstrates that poetry has its uses .
11 Head for tidal boatyard dykes and basins when thaw sets in , as excellent sport expected .
12 In 999 he speaks of delay in getting the fleet into action , and suggests that delay occurred on other occasions , but without explaining why .
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