Example sentences of "and [was/were] [v-ing] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Before he reached them Paul and Joseph had hoisted the two boys , aged eleven and thirteen , onto their shoulders and were encouraging them to joust at one another with chopsticks from the table .
2 The four Counsellors had skittered down the slope and were harrying him to walk more quickly .
3 so I tap on the window , had just gone past and I was just about to go in his room , you know , cos he 's standing there and I just tapped on the window come outside Nick had just walked by and Rick and were talking you know it 's not like the dead of night and everything 's quiet
4 She had returned to the window and was watching me photograph the posters .
5 Yanto laughed when he realised the old joker had palmed the sawdust and was allowing it to trickle in such a way as to give the impression that it was trickling from his ear .
6 " I shall explain that a certain man was mad for me , and was plaguing me to run away with him .
7 Yet now someone had found one of the openings , and was using it to kill me .
8 The hindmost attendant was holding what looked like a large loaf of bread , and was using it to hit the minion in front , which was running almost doubled up , its little gloved hands held over its head , where the pursuing scullion was raining blows with the loaf .
9 Dr Neil had the baby upside-down and was smacking him to make him cry — having been born , he no longer seemed to want to survive in the harsh world outside his mother 's warm body .
10 Coming out on to the landing he was horrified to find Eleanor mounting the stairs , this time wearing a thick tweed trouser suit with a scarf wrapped round her throat , presumably as some sort of protection against the peasouper outside which he knew , to his cost , had already infiltrated his lodgings and was making him cough .
11 It seemed he had just given up and was letting her go graciously and tenderly .
12 He had suddenly appeared through the trees and was thrusting what looked like half a chicken into my now outstretched hand .
13 He had rested it and was reserving himself to defend the K2 10km title .
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