Example sentences of "and [to-vb] up the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has been one of the cliches of modern liberalism , since at least the time of de Tocqueville and the younger Mill , to dwell on the possible , even probable , disjunction between democracy and liberty , to stress the fact that popular rule does not necessarily imply personal freedom , and to conjure up the spectacle of the " tyranny of the majority " .
2 In doing so we shall begin to explore the ways people respond to and cope with high levels of uncertainty and demand , and to open up the question of whether some of these ways are misguided .
3 The task is to collect coins and to tip up the tortoises and spiders that crawl out of the pipes along the platforms .
4 The task is to collect coins and to tip up the tortoises and spiders that crawl out of the pipes along the platforms .
5 I pinned it to the corkboard with a red drawing pin and a light heart , and went upstairs again to change back into jodhpur boots to deal with the terrain and to pick up the map and the compass in case I could n't find the trail .
6 Scientific examination can be used to assess the extent of repairs or new work , and to pick up the joins and fillers used to disguise them .
7 ‘ I 'll go , ’ she said , and ran to the surgery to collect the bag , and to pick up the roll of towelling and a pair of scissors which Dr Neil kept for emergencies .
8 Ramsay was apt to make his backgrounds neutral and to sharpen up the clarity of his designs to focus the viewer 's attention on the sitter 's face and hands .
9 ‘ How tactless of me , ’ she said to herself , and to cover up the awkwardness she felt she pointed at the statue .
10 And to cover up the dreadfulness of the moment , the pain of the knowledge that Rachel had become old , alone , and friendless , she had giggled and said something about having lost her key .
11 Messengers were despatched to inform its leaders , and to instruct them to cross Tweed early on , even at Kelso , and to advance up the south side .
12 While not everyone welcomed the regime with open arms , it is opportune to reflect on its effectiveness and to weigh up the costs and benefits of regulation of the profession by the profession .
13 To keep the GPRA at the table , de Gaulle was forced to agree to a series of major concessions on points that he had long proclaimed non- negotiable : to negotiate solely with the FLN ; to drop the demand for a cease-fire before negotiations could get under way ; and to give up the Sahara to the embryonic Algerian republic .
14 Early man observed that things appear to get smaller and to climb up the picture plane .
15 To limit the posterns of the court to a single ingress and to keep up the stock of horses , swans and bees .
16 And to clear up the mistake .
17 When a part of the body becomes infected the immune system comes into play , rushing white blood cells and immune proteins to the scene of the infection in an attempt to inactivate or kill the invading organisms and to clear up the damage .
18 It also urges the government to calculate the costs of allergies and asthma triggered by environmental factors , and to speed up the finalization of promised guidelines on the rights of people to smoke-free air at work and in public places and the segregation of smokers and non-smokers .
19 An alternative explanation lies in Dr Mahatir 's ‘ look East ’ policy , designed to break away — finally and for ever — from the colonial past and to speed up the pace of change by harnessing the vitality of Japanese firms .
20 Canosa met the Russian Foreign Minister , Andrei Kozyrev , and claimed on Dec. 27 that the Russian government intended to end Cuba 's lifeline of economic subsidies and to speed up the withdrawal of Russian troops as part of its new policy towards Cuba .
21 On April 22 , 1991 , Ryzkhov 's successor as Prime Minister , Pavlov , presented to the USSR Supreme Soviet an emergency anti-crisis programme designed to stabilize the economy by the end of the year and to speed up the transition to a market economy .
22 On these rested the employers ' capacity to break any strike , while the union 's strength lay in its capacity to " picket out " the vessels and shipping offices concerned and to dry up the supply of blacklegs by intercepting the trains on which they arrived and by organizing the ports from which they had been recruited .
23 It is hoped to attract 500 people to each of the two performances and to follow up the event with an ‘ Open Day ’ to be held the next week at which the public will be encouraged to try Medau for themselves .
24 Solon divided the citizen body into four classes on the basis of wealth or property ownership , and while most important political offices were confined to the higher of these classes , the lowest class were entitled to attend the Assembly or Ecclesia , and to make up the juries who decided both on guilt and innocence and on sentences in the courts .
25 and to make up the weight instead of five he sent six to make the weight up .
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