Example sentences of "and [vb infin] [noun pl] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Attention should be paid to the representation of three-dimensional figures in two dimensions , Pupils should be able to recognise the two-dimensional drawing corresponding to a given solid , and be able to recognise and build solids from such drawings .
2 It was not a command to stay put , but to go and make disciples of all the nations .
3 The Assembly exists to discuss and make recommendations on all matters within the scope of the United Nations charter .
4 In addition , she undertook to research and deliver lectures on any medical aspects of history that were likely to be of interest to fellow members .
5 A purchaser would have to locate and commence proceedings against all vendors .
6 Er a lot of people give the impression that we should all be more interactive , that we should go abroad and speak languages to many of these people , but the people you come into contact with when you go on holiday in Spain , the only Spanish people are likely to be the waiter who served you and he 's serving you as part of his job .
7 The peasants , therefore , had the chance to get experience of administration and problem-solving but , at the same time , had experts to assist and prevent mistakes of any magnitude .
8 You must declare and give details of any condition likely to affect your fitness as a driver .
9 We are concerned to maintain and improve standards on all rail services , including those in the western region .
10 The process of alignment between the two approaches is likely to be the crucial industrial relations issue of this decade and the purpose of this project is to track and interpret developments along this critical fissure .
11 People did n't try and score points off each other — contributions were acknowledged and applauded , rather than criticized or tested to destruction .
12 Targets To help us achieve our objectives for waste reduction , reclamation and recycling , energy efficiency , training etc , we will set and communicate targets in these areas at least annually .
13 It is the policy of the group to train and develop employees at all levels so that group objectives can be met .
14 This group also has a sitting-in service , which is often necessary for carers if they are going to be able to get away and attend meetings at all .
15 The logic circuitry needed to generate and decode signals of this kind has become available only in the past 10 years or so .
16 In response to the introduction of the local management of schools the LEA organized a series of measures to train and inform governors on such topics as the appointment of staff , provision for children with special educational needs , and the formulation of school policy on discipline , equal opportunities , child protection and a number of other matters .
17 The latter was in practice obliged to pledge that it would consult and inform governments at all stages of any initiative , that it would cooperate more closely with the Council of Ministers , and that it would not seek in the future to behave like a government .
18 Requiring all insurers to provide a single premium rate within a community and to guarantee to issue and renew policies to any member of that community ( eliminating the practice of ‘ red lining , ’ refusing to cover people with certain illnesses or risk factors ) would reduce many inequities as well as overall costs .
19 But it takes great courage for a politician to try and persuade voters of that fact .
20 PATIENTS with damage to the striate cortex have a subjectively blind region of the visual field , but may still be able to detect and localize targets within this region .
21 By 1991 , Leeds LEA had set up services and procedures to guide and support schools in these novel areas of activity , and there was no shortage of advice from other sources .
22 ‘ Special dispensation will not be given to clubs to sign and play goalkeepers after that date . ’
23 They have the vital factor of the opposable thumb , without which it would be impossible to handle and investigate objects with any degree of manual dexterity .
24 We are moving towards a position where JAA will probably receive and settle invoices from each national authority and send out a single invoice to the applicant .
25 Asked to predict the most likely site of synaptic plasticity , theoreticians would probably have opted for the interneurons , as these can clearly receive and modulate signals from many different inputs before dispatching them to varied outputs .
26 While Western commuters hoist newspapers in front of faces and shut out the rest of society , Chinese people will use a train journey to chat and offer snacks to each other .
27 Many support groups have sprung up in recent years , at national and local level , to support and advise families of those suffering from specific diseases or forms of disablement .
28 GROUP welfare officer , Sheila Redmond , who is always on hand to help and advise employees with all types of personal problems , announces an on-site breast screening programme .
29 The internal Labour pressure group that will meet officially for the first time in Stirling aims to unite and organise women from both wings of the party as well as from the constituencies and trades unions .
30 I wish people would come up and say things like that
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