Example sentences of "and [vb infin] [prep] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Fronted by a HyperCard-like interface — SuperCard , actually — the system lets users click and move from point to point on the painting and get lectures and comments from old bores , ex-mistresses , ‘ people who were there ’ , dopey ex-Nazi pilots , Picasso mavens and all sorts of experts .
2 A specially-designed timetable means the driver has a lot of freedom to stop , start and reverse in response to events on the track .
3 The driver has a lot of freedom to stop , start and reverse in response to events on the track .
4 This promises to make nursing as a career much more dynamic and pro-active , although the nursing role in caring for the sick and those people limited by disability will continue and develop in response to the needs expressed by society .
5 However , our role may need to broaden and develop in response to new policies and programmes introduced by Ministers .
6 However , our role may need to broaden and develop in response to new policies and programmes introduced by Ministers .
7 The fireworks seemed to pulse with the music , her skin seemed to melt and re-form from moment to moment .
8 Trippy began to sniff and hop from foot to foot .
9 SINGAPORE ( Reuter ) — The Prime Minister of Singapore , Lee Kuan Yew , confirmed in an interview with the BBC that he would step down and hand over power to his deputy , Goh Chok Tong , by the end of next year .
10 Robbins now draws more and more attention to the text itself , by indulging in a dialogue with his projected reader to celebrate reaching his hundredth chapter or by rejecting the claims of traditional literary decorum : ‘ happily , your author is not under contract to any of the muses who supply the reputable writers , and thus he has access to a considerable variety of sentences to spread and stretch from margin to margin … ’ ( 124 ) .
11 I 'm very glad to see that there 's quite a lot of nurses here , and I presume that quite a lot of those are women nurses , and I think that this is terribly important , and I think a useful thing with this new service could do is to go out and talk for instance to the meetings of women 's organisations , to old peoples ' clubs in the afternoon , and actually ask people what they would like , and get them talking in a nice informal way , rather than waiting for somebody to let them know what they think , because I do n't think they 're going to get it .
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