Example sentences of "and [noun sg] that [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 Despite so much storm and stress in his early life , Gavrilov remains cheerfully outgoing and resilient , relishing the controversy and point-counter-point that surrounds his performances .
2 It was as if , the weeks of turmoil and uncertainty that followed his father 's death having turned into months , the tumultuous turn of events had proved too much for a youth of his years .
3 He had lost the diffidence and uncertainty that characterised his early leadership of the party .
4 His captaincy is partly due to his quiet , controlled manner and a confidence and authority that unnerves his opponents — on and off the competition mat .
5 No amount of friends and laughter could disguise the loneliness and sadness that dogged his life .
6 Phillips is reportedly in good condition and has renounced the drugs and alcohol that caused his cirrhosis .
7 Saw , too , the tiny flecks and threads of topaz and hazel that made his eyes such a compelling and disturbing feature .
8 He struggled on alone , as against a blank wall of darkness and silence that blocked his light , stifled his breath , and threatened to make him mad .
9 It is , however , the way he makes a connection between anthropology and linguistics that makes his programme unusual :
10 I would be an 18 stone , alcoholic bricklayer playing for Penicuik Athletic , ’ says Goram with the mixture of candour and humour that characterises his conversation .
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