Example sentences of "and [noun sg] work [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Never since the wartime cabinet saw Churchill and Atlee working in concert have the main political parties seemed so close on defence .
2 August 19 — September 11 : Exhibition of furniture and wood working by Lucinda Leech .
3 In the summer of 1918 he began to devote more time to the club in between duties at the arms factory in Barnbow , but , perhaps sensing that trouble was brewing , he suddenly resigned as secretary-manager on 16 December to go into full-time industrial management with Joseph Watson & Sons at the Olympia oil and cake works in Selby .
4 In picking their way through these priorities , local managers lacked the benefit of being able to rely on the NCC and SEAC working in harmony .
5 I. Recently four decisions have been made : ( i ) to have another new integrated iron and steel works at Newport ( Llanwern ) ; ( ii ) to enlarge the blast furnaces and steel mills at Port Talbot ; ( iii ) to close the iron and steel works at Ebbw
6 Already in the 1930s government was having to cope with this decline , and ventures like the Team Valley Trading Estate at Gateshead and the new iron and steel works at Ebbw Vale were testament to the need for regional support .
7 Work on transforming derelict land turning former railway land at Primrose Hill , Stockton into a new park and reclaiming a former iron and steel works at Stillington for industry begins this summer with a £500,000 Government reclamation grant .
8 But until recently British Steel decided that their iron and steel works at Scunthorpe was in a suitable position and they enlarged it .
9 I. Recently four decisions have been made : ( i ) to have another new integrated iron and steel works at Newport ( Llanwern ) ; ( ii ) to enlarge the blast furnaces and steel mills at Port Talbot ; ( iii ) to close the iron and steel works at Ebbw
10 The pictures show the founder of one of the great steel works and his modern successor , who in 1982 controlled all the large iron and steel works in Britain .
11 Barbara Weiss is showing murals and paper works by Knut Bayer until 24 April , and Maria Eichhorn from 4 May to 26 June .
12 A friend of Watt 's at the University introduced him to John Roebuck , an industrialist who was involved with coal mines and iron works in Scotland .
13 In Ghia form it 's a well trimmed and equipped car , but more than this there 's a dynamic cohesion to it : somewhere along the line someone got the handling , ride and steering working in harmony rather than against each other .
14 In 1908 he became assistant works manager and chief draughtsman at the French Westinghouse Company 's brake and signal works in Paris , where he had his first contacts with French railway engineers .
15 Suprematist , constructivist and dadaist works in newspaper , wood , glass and fabric are successfully combined with smaller sculptures by Jeff Beer , assembled from pieces of scrap iron .
16 Houston has a huge Mexican-American population , and programming works like Frida is a must for Gockley at a time when ‘ multiculturalism ’ is very much the buzz word on this side of the Atlantic .
17 During the fifteenth century , the laws of supply and demand worked in favour of the peasantry .
18 Contemporary dealer Marwan Hoss , absent from last year 's show , is returning with a mixed bag comprising drawings by Torres-Garcia , Helion and Gonzalez and charcoal works by Riopelle .
19 Coventry : The Complete Wedding and Portraiture Working on Location .
20 Stringer was admitted a member of the Society of Mineral and Battery Works in December 1692 and of the Society of Mines Royal in June 1693 .
21 By the time of the First World War the company had taken over more than 50 small companies , as well as the docks at Hull ( q.v. ) , and its chief locomotive and wagon works at Doncaster employed nearly 5,000 people .
22 It takes time , patience and resilience to work through losses ; sometimes a further loss triggers off grief for an insufficiently mourned event .
23 The threefold model of church growth of cell , congregation and celebration works at Ichthus to great effect .
24 Young people will be invited to use their knowledge and ingenuity in science , technology , craft and design to work on systems , plans or inventions that will reduce or , if possible , eliminate the harmful environmental effects of some aspects of human activity .
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