Example sentences of "and [noun sg] that [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 For the first time I had an opportunity of seeing Barbara at work in detailed negotiations , and whatever small credit attached to me for the major idea , the scale and ingenuity that she expended on the detail and in making it possible to arrive at a suitable settlement was beyond praise .
2 And kind that she said , I was very disgusted , she said , with you , afterwards .
3 They were trading in the village , bartering orange plastic beads and metalware that they 'd bought in India for flour and grain .
4 She stood staring after his lithe figure , gripped by the same sense of anguish and loss that she 'd felt in the Piazzale Roma .
5 It was the laughter and companionship that they missed more than anything when they retired .
6 After the sickening shock of the rapid deterioration of her first childish marriage , she had been so afraid of ever again being engulfed by hatred and violence that she had maintained a resolute pleasantness even through the worst of times , even with Charles , who was not an easy man .
7 The answer depends on the criteria of efficiency and equity that we developed in the last chapter .
8 They continued to feed , or stared out on the Zoo not looking in the direction of Minch at all ; while Creggan was so busy staring at Minch in delight and pleasure that he did not notice behind him , in the next-door cage , Slorne stare for the moment at Minch and then swing round and silently resume her vigil at the back top of her cage , looking at the trees and sky .
9 For the rest of the day he could hardly concentrate on any problem , caught between contrition that he had done something wrong in inviting Benedicta and pleasure that she had so readily accepted .
10 For the first time for a long while , Corbett felt wanted and warmed to these simple yet sophisticated men so bound up in their own routine of prayer , work and study that they regarded any visitor as a visible sign of God 's grace .
11 His absolute conviction at that time , reinforced by an extraordinary personal charm and magnetism gave me just the right insight and guidance that I needed .
12 It is with a sense of shock and disbelief that I studied the details that the Scottish Arts Council has released concerning its distribution of funds for 1993/94 ( reported , 16 February ) .
13 One more guilty secret that Maggie felt obliged to keep from everyone was the deep fear and disgust that she felt at the thought of sexuality .
14 They had dressed him in the shoes and suit and overcoat that he had worn when arrested .
15 They were going to the home of opera , to listen to some Verdi , Puccini and Donizetti ; and to see at first hand the fine art and architecture that he had studied and only previously heard about or seen in books .
16 Deep down , well hidden beneath the façade of arrogance and ice that he presented to the world , a warm , caring heart beat within Adam Burns .
17 Paris says that he conducted himself here in a typically high-handed manner , whilst the Dunstable annalist writes of his boasting before the king and queen that he had the Welsh in the palm of his hand .
18 And she said it with such pride and such display that Clara did not feel at all obliged to conceal the amazement and delight that she felt , as she might , if confronted with a more worldly modesty , have done : for Clelia 's manner declared , this is singular this is beautiful , this may legitimately amaze , you betray no innocence in admiring this .
19 It was only by trial and error that she discovered that a product developed for milk-sensitive human babies was the ideal elephant food .
20 ‘ When I started using glass it seemed so much smoother and warmer-feeling that I decided to stick with it , ’ he says .
21 It was with a mixture of excitement and pity that we watched , as some of the escaping rabbits were shot .
22 It was a mark of her artistic intelligence and independence that she did not choose to dish up a pot-pourri of well tried favourites for the occasion , drawing attention to herself rather than the music .
23 It was this ruthless clarity and brightness that she had run away from .
24 She had been so immersed in her anger and indignation that she had been working on automatic pilot herself .
25 ‘ Think yourselves lucky , ’ Kadan observed as he dumped the bedding and equipment that he had scavenged on their behalf on the grass and began to sort it into piles .
26 Another waiter came up to him then with a bundle of letters and cash that he had left behind in the foyer and forgotten .
27 By the time the meeting was over I was in such a state of excitement and fright that I forgot all about the clothing parcel I was supposed to collect .
28 So , as my array of new brushes was getting rather low , it was with interest and eagerness that I accepted to test some new brushes developed and manufactured by Pro Arte .
29 Anna was so startled by his perception and directness that she said , ‘ I was worrying that you had got the wrong impression , that you — ’ She stopped , silenced by loyalty .
30 She was n't aware of how her voice softened when she said the word ‘ Mother ’ , although she did know that the precepts of morality and etiquette that she remembered her mother spelling out to her were the ones she kept most assiduously .
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