Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [pers pn] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We are delighted and thrilled with the enthusiasm and ingenuity you have displayed while producing a grand total of over £2,500 .
2 ‘ The messages of support and sympathy we have had have helped to keep us going .
3 Fellow Tablers I thank you most sincerely for the honour and opportunity you have given me to become your sixtieth National President .
4 Look at your diary for today and identify the end-result for every single meeting and action you have planned .
5 Others could not become citizens " until by their labour and industry they have acquired land " .
6 ‘ You do not know how much pain and unhappiness I have felt , ’ said the monster .
7 In obstetrics and gynaecology we have implemented an objective structured clinical examination ( OSCE ) .
8 ‘ Marcus is the best young athlete and talent I have seen for a long time , ’ said Allison .
9 It 's the other stuff like repairs and maintenance you have to carry out . ’
10 And whichever one it is will fly for all of us , transforming at last the loss and suffering we have felt these years into the power and hope of purposeful flight . ’
11 ‘ From where we are standing we can see examples of the care and attention you have given to the recreation ground and I know all of the clubs who use our facilities thank you for your efforts and hard work . ’
12 It is perfectly acceptable to draw conclusions of your own , based on the arguments and evidence you have presented .
13 Intellectually central in moving privatisation into the centre-stage of policy making , and in the introduction of market economies in health and welfare they have added credibility to the enterprise culture .
14 In this long , cold day and night I have managed by a great , indeed gargantuan , effort to write seventeen thousand five hundred and eighty-one words .
15 In turn under the leadership of QC and QC we have sent delegations to the Baltic States , Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania ( at their request , we hasten to add ) , and have assisted in the setting up of a new bilateral organisation called BELLA ( British Law Association for Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania ) .
16 The instructions and authority they have received from the interim government are not instructions and authority from the Government of the Republic .
17 The help , encouragement and advice we have received from the Institute , including the president on his recent visit to Leeds , from John Seear ( who provided the initial impetus ) , from the president and committee of the West Yorkshire Society of Chartered Accountants , and particularly from the Society 's administrator , Joyce Cawthra , have been heartwarming .
18 I wanted to give back something for the great interest and happiness I have had from being able to make music to people .
19 The poem and novel I have attributed to them respectively can also , for certain purposes , be attributed to them both .
20 Information and promotion I have spoken to you about and the most important thing probably for the users besides us being able to promote what they 're doing for nothing and that is grants , so we are about to write and er you will be able to hotfoot it back to your clubs if they are already registered .
21 ‘ I kept thinking today how lucky I was , you see , how blessedly fortunate , with all I have , all that is so comfortable , all that makes me so — so much happier than I was , and then this evening I went to the Rectory and when I returned I was in my room and I looked out at the darkness and I thought of you and how lonely you must be after all the company and society you have known just recently and I thought — I thought — ’
22 ‘ It is hard to find words to express the aching loneliness and rejection I have found them experiencing as they approach the end of their lives . ’
23 Mrs A. W. wrote : ‘ I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the time and effort you have put into compiling this diet which has made a bigger difference to my weight and dimensions than any other diet I have been on … . ‘
24 Where the education and training they have received is substantially the same as that in the member states to which they wish to move , their qualifications will be recognised as equivalent .
25 Before doing so I write to thank you all for the Loyal support and encouragement you have given to me during the past 14 years .
26 If we are concerned about excess profits , monopoly wages and unemployment we have to tackle the problem at root , namely by re-examining the structure of corporations , government and trade unions .
27 In my own research into books and reading I have had classes of 15-year-olds write essays on the subject of how they would feel about working in a bookshop .
28 Since the start of my Presidential year , Doreen and I have been ‘ out and about ’ at various divisional meetings and dinner dances , and would like to take this opportunity of saying a big ‘ thank you ’ for the kindness and hospitality we have enjoyed during our travels .
29 While I do not dismiss the care and treatment I have received during those admissions , I did not have to spend many weeks in the ‘ old bins ’ to become aware of their shortcomings as therapeutic environments .
30 The inhabitants of Vengsøya — or , at least , those near the ferry quay — watch us struggle on-shore with the kayaks with that curious air of pity , fear and interest I have seen before .
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