Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [noun pl] [be] to " in BNC.

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1 The prose which preoccupied Milton during the Commonwealth and Protectorate periods was to be seen as separate and certainly intrinsically less interesting than the poetry in which Parker portrays Milton participating in some universalised European humanism .
2 A joint statement said that a ministerial commission for co-operation in military training and defence industries was to be set up .
3 Haberdashers and provision merchants were to be granted a few houses .
4 While the main focus of the Survey is on basic payments it is nevertheless a crucial benchmark because both bonus and overtime payments are to an extent determined by the basic or standard wage .
5 Paradoxically , his subsequent statements do , in fact , make his conception élitist and authoritarian : Shakespeare and Minder are to be applauded but Dallas , Dynasty and quiz shows are to be decried because they ‘ show a contempt for the audience , nut simply as it is but also as it might be … ’ .
6 TOUGH Belfast-style stop and search tactics are to be used across Britain for the first time to combat IRA bombers .
7 The great clothing factory that took up most of it had shut down its operations more than four hours back and only a handful of Security guards and maintenance engineers were to be found down here now .
8 A full description of matters relating to admissions and degree types is to be found in the section ‘ Applying to Edinburgh ’ .
9 The Secretary of State will be aware how crucial the textiles and clothing industries are to Yorkshire , Humberside and , indeed , Grimsby .
10 Gas , electricity and telephone charges were to be reduced and there would be restriction on increases in school fees , fares and food prices .
11 In the end a compromise emerged under which some — eventually most or all — hospitals and community units were to be allowed to become ‘ independent trusts ’ owning their own buildings and having their own governing bodies .
12 Lead , mercury , cadmium and dioxin levels were to be cut by 70 per cent by 1995 .
13 From 1 October , 1980 , applications to the MAFF for agricultural capital and development grants were to be notified to the park authority ; and since then the park authorities have at least had a chance of commenting and .
14 Expenditure on jigs and tools and education costs is to be carried forward in stocks and is amortised by reference to total actual and projected sales .
15 The Enterprise Centre this year commences evaluation of this process ; students and module leaders were to be interviewed as part of this evaluation .
16 If all the subsequent television and newspaper interviews are to be believed , the boy Lawson told Mrs Thatcher that he jolly well was n't going to stay on as Chancellor unless she fired that rotter Walters as her ‘ adviser ’ .
17 The explanation of this remarkable correspondence between patterns of sexual dimorphism in humans and gelada baboons is to be found in evidence of parallels in the evolution of the two species which have been attributed to the likely existence of our hominid ancestors in a habitat similar to that of today 's gelada baboon and to a resultant comparability of life-style and evolutionary adaptation .
18 A draft law claiming a 12 nautical mile jurisdiction over territorial waters , airspace , the seabed and mineral deposits was to be submitted to the Executive Yuan , it was reported on Nov. 19 .
19 Tariffs and trade restrictions were to be reduced only gradually , so allowing the EEC to concur with the world organisation , GATT , to which the OEEC states belonged .
20 Villages and timber plants are to be relocated away from the pandas ' habitat …
21 Under the accord ( i ) an immediate ceasefire was declared ; ( ii ) the state of emergency in Gao and Timbuktu provinces was lifted and army troops were to be withdrawn from the area ; ( iii ) an amnesty was granted to all Tuareg political prisoners ; ( iv ) internal autonomy was to be granted to the Adrar region ( i.e. Gao and Timbuktu ) ; and ( v ) additional state funds were to be allocated to the development of the region .
22 The best track , rolling stock and journey times are to be found on the main intercity routes , where timetables and the provision of first class carriages and full catering services are aimed at the needs of the business community .
23 If the planning and choice possibilities are to be fully utilised then a time-scale that allows them to be fully understood has to be in operation .
24 By the eighteenth century toy windmills , printing presses , farms , alphabet cards , and jigsaw puzzles were to be found in the nurseries of the better-off .
25 A vast range of sporting and restaurant choices are to be had and complement the excellence of service and attention to detail throughout the hotel .
26 Although lengthy domestic and care routines are to some extent a reality of disability , it is necessary to work out a level of sharing between the women and their staff which allows a varied day and does not make a drudge out of anybody .
27 In general Parker Morris standards and yardstick limits made the development of small numbers of houses in rural locations very uneconomical , and , in response to this and other criticisms , their discontinuation was announced in January 1980 ; instead , cost estimates and project details were to be submitted directly for Department of the Environment approval .
28 Following the Normansfield Report , the Secretary of State announced that the development team would henceforth have an inspectorial element added to its advisory service function , and health authorities were to be asked to review their arrangements for monitoring performance at individual hospitals .
29 A hard line was to be maintained for violent and sexual offences with provisions for longer sentences , and Crown Courts were to be given the powers to impose heavier sentences than the individual offence justified , to persistent offenders deemed to be a public risk .
30 Chancellor Norman Lamont and treasury ministers were told er chancellor Norman Lamont and treasury ministers were to be grilled like labour spokesmen by a panel of businessmen and just one union leader .
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