Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 If your drill and driver bits manage to hide in every nook and cranny of your tool box , and you can never find just the size you want , when you want it , perhaps it 's time you got organised , with a set of drill and driver bits in their very own case .
2 The clientele made a perfect captive audience and in the early autumn of Paula 's second year at the store the management decided to bring in models to show the new season 's fashions at the times when the restaurant was most likely to be full of ladies who had accounts with Jenkinsons and cheque books in their capacious handbags .
3 Of course all Javanese are formally Muslims , but most incorporate Hindu and animist elements in their religion .
4 Watercolourists who incorporate colour lifting and removal techniques into their paintings will obtain better results with a paper that is sized consistently throughout the sheet .
5 Women are particularly vulnerable to diseases such as arthritis , osteoporosis ( brittle-bone disease ) and heart attacks in their middle years if they have been leading a sedentary life , sitting slumped in front of the television , losing muscle tone and even bone mass .
6 Factors in the resignation of Cardoso de Mello 's team — which had been responsible for the anti-inflation programmes of March 1990 and February 1991 — were variously said to include the unpopularity in business and banking sectors of their interventionist policies , the combative style adopted in negotiations with international debtors , recent clashes with members of the President 's inner circle , including regional development secretary Egberto Baptista who had been accused of malpractice , and Cardoso de Mello 's affair in 1990 with the then Justice Minister Bernardo Cabral [ see p. 37773 ] .
7 In January of each year cattle owners were supposed to make out and give to the village headman a certificate describing the appearance , sex and brand marks of their animals .
8 Apart from the dollars spent , one may wonder at the concealed costs of taking so many consultants away from their patients and research workers from their laboratories and clinics .
9 In 1967 , 79 per cent of firms knew the plan 's forecasts for the economy as a whole and 50 per cent ( 85 per cent of those with more than 5000 employees ) knew of the production and investment forecasts for their industry group ; 24 per cent ( 51 per cent of the biggest ) said that the plan forecasts affected their investment decisions .
10 The first is a puzzle that will not surprise those who put economists alongside journalists and car dealers in their not-to-be-trusted rankings .
11 The harbour at Carnlough is one of the safest on the North Antrim Coast and is a haven for yachts and pleasure boats on their way to Scotland and the Western Isles .
12 Youths dressed in the PAC 's black and yellow colours shouted demands to be given AK47s and Scorpion machine-pistols as their president , Clarence Makwetu , eulogised the 69 people who died there at a PAC anti-pass law protest on 21 March , 1960 .
13 Protest had taken on dimensions never seen before as mounted and riot police in their new formations and with their new equipment clashed with pickets , resulting in many injuries and arrests .
14 You know , with jewels and silver things in their hair and some really great shoes .
15 She slid all the gauze curtains and silver cobwebs along their runners at the top , removed the benches , popped in a Pre-Raphaelite easel , couch , and a stained-glass window behind the staircase , and it was Brissard 's studio , as though designed by Hans Andersen .
16 Ramsay was interested to note , in the passing , how as a couple of boats entered the harbour ahead of them from the fishing , under the bridge between the two outermost towers , they each provided a basket of new-caught fish to be hoisted up on ropes to men on the bridge , this seemingly how they paid their rents and harbour dues to their lord .
17 Good sales people look to their markets and expert speakers at their audience .
18 I walked along , trembling with anger and misery , not through the London of beautiful houses and clean streets that I 'd dreamed of , where people wore only elegant , expensive clothes , nor between buildings that soared into the clouds , but in the darkness past trees planted at infrequent intervals and council houses with their unlit windows , all alike ; I passed people asleep , protected from the cold in cardboard boxes , and rubbish in untidy heaps or neatly tied up in black plastic bags and empty milk bottles with traces of sour milk lingering in them , and I marvelled once again that the dairies were trusting enough to leave them lying about .
19 These two ends of the parties , in the constituencies and in the Cabinet , are brought together at regional and national conferences where the activists meet and exchange views with their leaders in the company of their MPs .
20 Instead a terrible toll of the Crown Prince 's manpower would have been exacted by the French 75s and machine guns in their prepared emplacements , at relatively little cost to the defenders .
21 We need to attract companies … to establish operational headquarters … ( to ) … do product development work , manage their treasury activities , and provide administrative , technical and management services to their subsidiaries .
22 Child deaths were identified at the time of the home visits , and also through a network of about 100 key informants — members of the study community who were asked to record all pregnancies , births , and child deaths in their area .
23 Five housing departments had information on the numbers of wheelchair and mobility properties in their stock , but only two of these could analyse them according to bedroom size .
24 Many of the beaches of the east and south coasts with their banks of flint shingle in the upper parts and sand lower down show this admirably .
25 In the interests of maintaining " fair competition " between public and private providers and the efficient use of capital , a system of capital charges was introduced into the NHS for the first time , and all hospitals were made responsible for meeting the interest and depreciation costs of their existing assets and new investment .
26 The cutters often worked in a vacuum , so to speak , relying on spot checks and routine searches during their patrols .
27 Tired cliches like the ‘ information revolution ’ and the no longer new ‘ new technologies ’ tend merely to conceal the degree to which the production and publishing of the national newspapers and the rituals , allegiances and routine expectations of their various readerships have been reworked and transformed .
28 Note that regimental champions ( Bosses ) are always assumed to be armed and equipped exactly as the rank and file members of their regiment .
29 Many organizations fail to disclose the corporate mission , strategy , and business objectives to their employees , fearing that knowledge of this would provide the competition with an advantage .
30 From the point of view of the environmental impact of mining , if the state was prepared to allow the mining companies to export their profits tax-free , it certainly was not going to try and impose expensive pollution control , environmental and reclamation regulations on their operations .
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