Example sentences of "and [prep] [noun pl] ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Doubts have already been raised about the cost of the proposals , about possible legal difficulties and about shareholders ' willingness to play the role assigned to them by the APB .
2 In the end she suggested that I should just come and listen , and for politeness ' sake I agreed .
3 The result was 1989 's shimmering ‘ Tears ’ , issued on ffrr in London and through Knuckles ' Def Mix in America .
4 It was nothing but the stench of dead , rotting rats and of bats ' dung .
5 Employers could contract ‘ occupational groups ’ of employees out of SERPS and into employers ' provision ( see Groves , 1983 ) .
6 Her books included The House of Life ( 1878 ) ; An Atlas of Anatomy ( 1879 ) ; Lynton Abbott 's Children ( 1879 ) , a novel which was published anonymously ; Animal Physiology for Elementary Schools ( 1882 ) ; Readings in Social Economy ( 1883 ) ; Harriet Martineau ( 1884 ) ; Hughes 's Natural History Readers ( 1884 ) ; and In Ladies ' Company ( 1892 ) .
7 Two days later he called for a purge of FIS ranks ; only those " who believed in the new era for the country and in others ' right of expression " should be retained .
8 The reasons for this discrepancy probably lie in the different modes of service organization and in practitioners ' rationing of their own services , given scarcity of time , but other unexplored factors ( related to diagnosis or accommodation for example ) may also enter here .
9 The reasons why this type of job has arisen in agencies are complex , and reflect weaknesses both in existing agency staffing and structure and in clients ' ability to brief their agencies in the right way .
10 The research aims to study the responses of heads , teachers and children in infant schools and departments to the introduction of the national Curriculum and to examine its impact on the curriculum and pedagogy of the infant school and on pupils ' school experience .
11 Only the war saved Joyce from declining into the crankiness and obscurity of those who , for instance , demanded in small newspaper advertisements and at Speakers ' Corner why the bishops refused to open Joanna Southcott 's box .
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