Example sentences of "and [adj] is [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The whole thing exacerbates the class system in Britain and that is why if you want a classless society — as the Prime Minister claims he does — then you have to act on it , not just talk about it like John Major .
2 If you delay the answering of letters , of course that creates more letters chasing up the first ones and that is again where you are getting your priorities wrong , admittedly on a very small items .
3 Townsend leads a team which shows only one change from the side that beat Lithuania 1-0 in Vilnius in June and that is only because centre half Paul McGrath is suspended .
4 But that flakiness and that is obviously when it was new he did n't let it dry out , he just painted
5 So the sum has to be one , times a half , is greater than two , which it clearly is n't , cos one times a half is a half , and that is less than two .
6 And possibly Tina and that is off so they 'll just have to struggle on as if we were there and a lot of others were off .
7 Paradoxically , in most years the outcome of the Defence budgetary process is under-rather than overspending , and this is not because the accounting officers fear the wrath of Parliament , but because of what has become known as the ‘ Bow-Wave Phenomenon ’ , illustrated in figure 3 .
8 At present , many solicitors simply fail to give adequate advice , and this is not because of any immediate fault on their part but because they are operating in units that are too small .
9 And this is not because humanity is n't up to it .
10 We are not as accomplished as the best German orchestras , and this is not because we are bad string players , but simply because we 're a kind of pot pourri , we have all kinds of different string styles in England .
11 And this is just after I 've murdered my husband !
12 Brook talked about that central game of dice that Yudishthira plays , ‘ an ordinary , everyday action … it also has overtones , through the poetic to the metaphysical and the supernatural , and this is just as in Shakespeare .
13 As you have read the above paragraphs , many of you will already be forming your own opinions — and this is just as it should be .
14 And this is why as I ca n't remember if we mentioned it now , maybe did , maybe or someone else did , that the ego carries out repression very often at the demand of the superego , so the superego has its standards , its barriers , its sense of conscience , its threat of guilt , and the ego , to satisfy those demands , to avoid guilt , carries out repression at its , at its command , or at its insistence .
15 Alright , in something like horti horticulture , right , the main , the main cost is going to be harvesting costs , the labour , the labour costs , right , and this is why if you go into the er , into somewhere like Somerset when there 's been a bumper harvest , and just see the fruit rotting on the trees .
16 In contrast , overweight people seem to get much less strong and effective stop signals from the body , and this is largely because of the other factor , the major clue , which our eating-behaviour expert would be using in his ‘ guess who 's overweight ’ game .
17 Very young infants are loathe to give up their precious bodily products and this is largely because children gain pleasurable sensations from not doing so .
18 I have always found the Rottweilers in Norway to be of very stable disposition , and this is probably because the Rottweilers live as family pets , with a stable home life .
19 However , serum triglyceride levels did not prove to be a significant factor for coronary heart disease in this multivariate analysis and this is probably because of the correction made for the inverse relationship between triglycerides and HDL .
20 The previous report of copper concentrations in gastric juice represents a fivefold overestimate : we found low concentrations only ( mean=1.2 n> M and this is probably because most plasma copper ( ca 80–90% is tightly bound to the plasma protein caeruloplasmin .
21 Sailing in waves produces an excitement that is difficult to beat and this is partly because it can be slightly dangerous if you are not careful .
22 The pellets of diurnal predators contain less bone , often no more than 5–10 per cent , and this is apparently because of the much greater efficiency of their digestive processes ( see below ) .
23 In the beg , er and this is very cos that 's exactly what the , Nadine said to me .
24 For us the customers , it will mean higher fares and fewer services as unprofitable and social services are cut and this is only if we are left a train service at all .
25 That was then and this is now and changes have to be made .
26 There are few other references to Drumcree in early documents and this is possibly because for certain periods it was absorbed in Kilmore .
27 The kinematics of materials , considered as assemblages of particles may be described by either of the two methods and this is so whether the material is elastic , viscous or a classical fluid .
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