Example sentences of "and [adj] of the things " in BNC.

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1 I spend a long time thinking about Marie and some of the things we done together .
2 I get to act out all the horrors and pressures of fame , and some of the things that I worry about in my own life are purged .
3 It would take a million years to tell you all the things I have done , and some of the things I would n't tell even you , ’ she said mischievously , ‘ but it 's great to be home .
4 And some of the things that led up to it erm , yo you had like a form of spring cleaning yo you know
5 So we 've had a look at some of the numbers now have n't we and some of the things you can do with them .
6 ‘ I was with him the other night and some of the things he was saying , I know that if he found out about us … ’
7 Some of the things in the Maastricht treaty do n't make a lot of sense and some of the things that are not controversial for example , do n't make a lot of sense unless Europe does grow .
8 And some of the things you do seem to me to be inefficient , and consequently rather a waste of energy .
9 ‘ The Banks set out to break your Association , What they did was wrong and some of the things done since then are wrong ’ , said Mr. Peter Cassells , General Secretary to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions addressing the Biennial Delegate Conference of the IBOA at the Burlington Hotel on Saturday 24th April 1993 .
10 Andrew Ray told me : ‘ I often saw Kenneth and some of the things he did and thought to myself , ‘ What a waste ! ’
11 And so , le let's just conclude our our thinking and some of the things we 've been looking at ,
12 And some of the things that are coming through there , are common sense , some of the things are a reaction which erm , is mis-informed .
13 erm it 's very difficult to spot what 's going to go wrong in advance and some of the things you suspect are dodgy nobody has any trouble with , some of the things that you just did n't occur to you that would go wrong do go wrong , it 's like , mm mm , yeah mm
14 Cos I did erm I was thinking we 're going through this fairly quickly are they really taking it in so I s we stopped after I re reached a certain point and I spent the next sort of half an hour or so just asking them questions and some of the things they got right , some they got wrong so I went back over them until we got it right so sort of help to confirm things .
15 Okay , there was a survey carried out by British Telecom , and they asked some of their customers what were the most frustrating things that can happen to you on the telephone , and this was the answer , and some of the things that you 've come up with are here .
16 And Preston very tense behind the sofa , because when his nan called someone madam she meant business , and although he did n't know what adultery meant exactly he knew it was something smutty and another of the things the commandments came down pretty hard on .
17 The flat was shared and many of the things in it did not belong to the suspect so the search was complicated .
18 The tension increased on the road because David and DeFries had a very important relationship that was crumbling and one of the things about the relationship was the direction that DeFries did supply for him .
19 During one committee meeting , the minister said : ‘ We are footing the bill , and one of the things we are footing the bill for is conservation advice . ’
20 I interviewed Donald Watt , the leader of the Lochaber Mountain Rescue Team , and one of the things we talked about , both nodding sagely in agreement , was that people sometimes wear very stupid things on the hill .
21 And one of the things that a new director-general will need to do is to say , loud and clear : you can have GATT , or bilateral do-it-yourself trade policies , but you can not have both .
22 And one of the things that I 'm not sure we have addressed adequately now and perhaps wo n't this evening is how to get people into the theatre and I really thing that it would be worthwhile trying to find out stops people coming in .
23 That 's something we , we , that 's what we found and one of the things we have got is this youth bus actually operating in the town and it erm , it 's running three nights a week , we ca n't cover every bit of the town , but it goes to different area 's of the town , The Stow , and Old Harlow , I mean we 've actually got quite good relationship 's with , with , with the young people in Old Harlow , but erm , I mean we ca n't cover every night , I mean there is a problem , of erm , you know , you you get from a position where you recognise it , you , you , you need to start catering for a particular group and it takes a long time getting there .
24 And , and , you know , they 've got paid youth officer 's working in Harlow , now they are , there are , they 're over they 're over stretched it 's true and , but we , I mean what were doing here is actually supplementing there service and were not meeting all , we would n't of erm meeting all the demands , but the important thing I think is that were continuing to erm , you know , were trying to do something about it , and one of the things that were trying to do as officer 's in the Local Government Unit is work with Leisure Services and get them to put more resources into doing things for young people .
25 Because when I was thinking about trying to talking to you today , I thought although we 've worked quite a lot with people along this group , you might be sitting here and thinking well you do n't seem to be doing any specific work for and with old people erm , well I think your quite independent and can work out your right that , but one of the things this front line review erm it erm , it 's considering Council front line services under various headings , one of which is Retired Services that the Council provide as a group , now the leader of the Council wants to erm , get public views on how we look at these services , so , and that 's , that 's individuals and groups and one of the things that you might like to think about and I 'm that we as a local government unit who are servicing this review can help you with , is to consider how you might want to fee in for that review , erm and , and consider this , that the re-services for retired people , that the Council provides that you use and basically whether you use that , or service , we want to hear that , the Council would need to know that cos were gon na be making decisions about whether or not they should continue in this front line review erm , and erm , you know , or what things you would , what , what are your questions on about those services , what other things you would like to see provided , things like that and I thing this group could quite easily make a collective representation , a collective submission to that process then you could do it as individual 's as well , so that , that exercise it , it should be over by the eleventh of October it starts on the sixth of September .
26 its going to come round at you in a minute , so I 'll talk about it until it gets to you , erm , it delighted my children this particular painting , erm and I decided to put my sort of analytical approach to one side erm and do something with that later , so this poem is from my , my children 's point of view and one of the things that are very interested , they were really worried , that , erm , I think it marks the height of the table and the fact that the puppies might fall off and do themselves some harm , that , I 'll read it while its going round and then I can see then , that , so this is , ok , from my children 's point of view this poem , its called Threes , Table laid and waiting , milk place in bowl not to high , they lap and swirl , played and roll , paws distance from knocking and breaking goblet , made from clay .
27 And one of the things that erm they 're talking about at the moment is making their mission statement .
28 And one of the things that archaeologists do all their time is try by looking at the evidence , whether it 's stuff that comes from the ground , landscapes or old buildings , to try and understand the changes that have happened through time , to see things that were there that have gone , and to work out what
29 I 've got very strange ideals , and one of the things I 've got a very definite mind on is abortion .
30 And one of the things that we learn very early in history is the Great Fire of London .
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