Example sentences of "and [adj] as [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was such quiet authority in his deep voice that she nodded , instinctively obeying the command , remaining stiff and unfeeling as she watched him go back inside .
2 Hockley produced stunning eagles at the 11th and 15th as she stormed home in a five-under-par 34 .
3 They come across as the same songs although they do n't sound as huge and magnificent and lush as they do on the record .
4 In practice , you probably have to err this way and that as you tell your story , sometimes risking the reader learning too much , sometimes risking losing interest by not giving the reader the feeling that there is enough material for tentative speculation .
5 Its head twisted this way and that as it tried to reach my fingers with its chopping teeth .
6 Well I agree with the honourable gentleman to this extent and that as he knows er we would scrap the self regulatory system and make the S I B responsible for er regulating er er the industry and in time merge it with a banking er regulatory body , er so that would answer that point er and I think that the S I B er could also be responsible for the enforcement of these matters .
7 There was a satellite dish out in the grounds , and she was keen to keep up her French and Spanish as they had improved no end since she had begun working in Peter 's cosmopolitan little shop at the resort .
8 She had never experienced anything like it , instant , total domination of the senses , and she was lost and helpless as she watched the dark head bend , the taut face come closer .
9 His tone had become cynical and mocking as he went on , ‘ Now I do n't suppose Joanna will want to continue working here if you leave .
10 The ‘ first night ’ was always a little tense and emotional as we saw hundreds come forward at the end of the service to commit their lives to Christ .
11 All of us get elated and emotional as we stroll through a pine grove on a hot summer day when the old trees fill the air with their pungent fragrance .
12 Addressing a conference in London she said that all too often , families were left isolated drained and exhausted as they helped to rebuild a shattered life .
13 Coincidentally Tony mentioned ‘ that as a result of the move to central Leamington we are now fitter and healthier as we have all joined the local gym for keep fit sessions in the lunch hour . ’
14 We 'll see if we ca n't catch sight of Mullach and Lionan as they head back north .
15 I swore my pupils would never be restricted and repressed as I had been .
16 There are only so many things you can sell to someone who merely requires to be kept warm and dry as they walk up a hill .
17 Kate 's eyes were hard and dry as she watched the bitter man sitting opposite her .
18 I think basically , if you 've got good colour sense you 're home and dry as I have said many times , it does n't matter how you put it together , but if the colours are superb , it 's going to look good .
19 He could feel the perspiration stinging his eyes , and his hands became wet and clammy as he strode on .
20 When she stepped from the car he had greeted her with careful formality and his manner had remained stiff and impersonal as they began the ride ; but she sensed a tension in him too and knew intuitively that it was not a lack of interest that kept his gaze averted from her .
21 She grew more and more tired and depressed as she walked the fifteen miles back to Flintcomb-Ash , where only hard work awaited her .
22 He was slim and attractive , certainly , but his body was not quite as tense and muscular as he felt it ought to be .
23 It appears to have escaped Berkeley 's attention that not all imaginary things , for example a drunkard 's pink rats , are voluntary and lack the vivacity of the real thing , and also that , when I set myself to imagine something , I can make my ideas as orderly and coherent as I like .
24 She felt frightened and strange as she thought of greeting her first-born , who would not know her and might recoil with horror and cry for Ellen .
25 So , ‘ Goodnight , ’ she bade him a second time , her goodnight this time , however , sounding husky and hasty as she started to hurry back to her room .
26 She continued to lean against the gravestone , sick and shaking , her teeth chattering , her stomach as knotted and tormented as it had been in childbirth .
27 The , the , the best defence you could make of that , if you wanted to make a defence of it , would be that in the nineteen twenties and thirties as we 've been seeing in the lectures , I 'll be saying a bit more about that some psychoanalyse was , was developing .
28 Paddy 's voice was firm and resonant as he uttered the opening phrases of the Mass .
29 Indeed , Sombro was not long back from the town when he arrived at North Point and he appeared tired and wan as he looked up with those big eyes he inherited from the Labrador side of his lineage .
30 Between half an hour and 40 minutes for each side ( to be divided between leader and junior as they think fit ) is enough time .
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