Example sentences of "and [adj] [conj] [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Be careful that you do not continue to reject fields at the same time as getting lower and lower until it is too late either to have any selection or to achieve a good approach .
2 But this annual nerve-shredder , as remorseless and cruel as it is exhilarating , had already struck .
3 Cos the mortgages and that but there 's a lot of them , and kids causing it , and Christmas was coming well you know we just , that 's when they helped us at Christmas was really fantastic yes , true I never thought anything really out of this world how the how the people helped We got toys and everything for the kids ' Christmas , everything you could think of .
4 The picture which emerges from this study is one where assistance between more distant kin is of relatively minor importance to the total picture ( although of course it may be very important in particular cases ) , and that whether it is likely to be significant is rather idiosyncratic and unpredictable .
5 Well if you were going to come for me you 've got to drive and that and he 's still not up yet today , so I , I have to get Arthur to draw some money
6 Well it 's always going to be hard because we 're , you know , near the bottom and that and it 's very tight , you know just a win or a loss like , it puts you either three places up or right near the bottom .
7 ‘ It will only really be meaningful and historic if he is a great success , ’ Davis said soon after firing the existing head coach Mike Shanahan .
8 If somebody beats you up and you feel hurt and upset and it 's enormously painful then you need to go to casualty afterwards erm that sort of fits the scripts y'know that 's w that 's that 's understandable .
9 Speed really wants to play more centrally and lets face it is better making runs into the box , for crosses and knocks-down than he is at beating a full-back and crossing the ball .
10 If the actual delivery or the birth of the baby had been difficult , traumatic for example a forceps delivery or a very long labour , where the baby and the mum got very tired and exhausted If there 's any , if there 's any congenital amalgamation we can discuss it
11 Seats are comfortable and supportive and there is a reasonable amount of room in the rear seats .
12 That is a reference back to the events of chapter 16 , and strange though it is , it is no more extraordinary than their wish in Exodus 16 that they had been killed together with the Egyptians at the time of the Passover .
13 You now , he , he 's had , I 'm just keeping him on the straight and narrow while he 's on remission .
14 These are supplies of services and standard-rated because something is done for a consideration and it is outside the zero rate and exempt groups , not being an interest in land ( Neville Russell ( 1987 ) 3 BVC 611 at p 615 ; Notice 742B , para 14 ) .
15 and sixes and threes and what 's Oh God !
16 Police , social services and hospital staff stress the youngster is in excellent health and unharmed and it is obvious her mother has looked after her very well .
17 To Bradford from Helen Craig : ‘ How pleasant and easy it is to shop at Sainsbury 's in comparison to other supermarkets … please do n't change anything , just keep it simple and pleasant as it is . ’
18 My life is fill and rich and there is nothing to fear .
19 The shift of Amis 's mind , thoughtful and unphilosophical as it is , has been broadly a pattern to others of his age .
20 Vile and contemptuous as it is , mimicry is not a crime , though it should be , the worst .
21 ‘ The bed and breakfast place is nice , it 's clean and comfortable and friendly but it 's not like having your own home is it ? ’
22 By day , Claxby signal box is warm and friendly and it is difficult to believe that any mysterious events could take place there .
23 Although it is most obvious and acute when there is an actual death ( and we go on to describe reactions to the death of a partner in the next chapter ) , some mourning is appropriate to the many minor deaths which occur in the course of married life .
24 ‘ No , ’ I thought , ‘ he could never love anyone as plain and coarse as she is .
25 Debt is common among the poor and unemployed but it is certainly not confined to them .
26 If he is afraid of compromising himself in the eyes of Messrs Goupil and Co by keeping in touch with me , is his position with those gentlemen so shaky and unstable that he is obliged to be so careful ? ’
27 And Jesus came first and foremost as he is , as Nicodemus learns here to seek and to save that which was lost .
28 The language is distinct and self-contained and it is not dependent on an established programming language .
29 If Pollard 's architecture is so disposable and flippant that it is odd to call him a ‘ patron ’ , Palumbo 's patronage is so single-minded that he can hardly be called a developer .
30 My hair is thick and glossy whereas it 's normally a bit straggly .
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