Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun] say [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , Labour and Tory Euro-MPs were incensed by the suggestion and Labour front-benchers said they will block the bill when it returns to the Commons next Monday until they receive clarification from the Government of its intentions .
2 But outbreaks of Bovine TB have doubled in Gloucestershire and some surrounding counties over the last 3 years and some vets say we must throw aside sentimentality and act now BEFORE the problem reaches epidemic proportions .
3 But it found 14pc were kept waiting and some respondents said they had not been allowed the music or songs they requested .
4 He spent a world record £13m on Gianluigi Lentini last year and some observers say it was to stop others having him , not because Milan needed him .
5 Little over FFr 250,000 sold , and some dealers said it had been difficult to get collectors to concentrate on highly priced items , let along sign cheques , in the crowded conditions of the George V basement .
6 And some people say he has no body , ’ said Monsieur Firmin .
7 Now I am a pensioner , rising sixty-three , and some people say I have changed very little .
8 And this sign says we are going to Cape Town . ’
9 ‘ I have been coming here for nine years and have a feel for the heart of the city and this song says it all . ’
10 it proves how desperate people get and then he treats them like animals and this boy said I think
11 And the Chief said that does n't compare he said that does not concur with a visit I had last night in Glasgow whilst asleep when he awoke to a gleaming light at his bedroom and he said who are you and this figure said I am God and the Chief Fire Officer said well God , all I want to know is one thing , will I get my southern fire station ?
12 And this chap said we might well be sorry for Connie , but not to overdo it .
13 And Electronic News says it will end manufacture at its Austin , Texas and Neufahrn , Germany plants and hopes to sell its Watsonville , California circuit board plant to SCI Systems Inc .
14 And old Joe said he said I reckon it 's a be a whatsit .
15 And another sister said she would be happy to join me in that .
16 Pliny names Archermos in a family of Chiot sculptors , and another writer says he was the first to give Nike wings .
17 Matra-Hachette of France and British Aerospace said they were close to a 50-50 merger of their missile businesses .
18 It 's all because they ca n't cross from one platform to another … and British Rail says it ca n't afford to help them .
19 It is one of 10 collieries where coal production has stopped after the Government and British Coal said they were uneconomic and could not be saved .
20 They 've also blocked off the railway line , and British drivers say they 've been threatened at knife point .
21 Women who did not have the heart or the will to live up to what the moral and social order said they should be , but who lived by it nonetheless .
22 She was the target of a bomb attack during her visit and French officials said they suspected Iraqi government agents .
23 Within these walls ( and contemporary writing says they were formidable ) , the city remained for two centuries .
24 A man buys a razor and shaving cream and later returns saying you have only given him change for £5 instead of £10 .
25 From her Mexican study , Eckstein reports that about 38 per cent of the men with factory and white-collar jobs said they obtained their work through a personal acquaintance ( Eckstein 1977 ) .
26 And path e reminds us that some old and poor respondents said they would be prepared to break an unjust law ; the value of coefficient e is therefore 0.172 ( figure 13.6 ) .
27 It is the second time in a month the centre has been broken into and elderly residents said they were concerned for their safety .
28 Factory bonuses have been replaced by compulsory pay deductions to buy government bonds , and many enterprises say they can not buy the bonds because they no longer have any cash .
29 More than 80 children came along on some days , and many people said they hoped it would become an annual event , she said .
30 While there is no evidence that conventionally grown fruit and vegetables produced under approved conditions are harmful , some people feel happier to subscribe to the organic philosophy , and many people say they prefer the flavour of organic food to that of conventionally grown food .
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