Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Partnerships differ in scope , purpose and specific orientation and in the nature of relationship they aspire to .
2 Though two of the G7 countries — Britain and America — now appear to be in recession , the likeliest outlook for the world in 1991 is a tolerable mixture of slower growth and lower inflation than of late , with a brighter year to follow in 1992 .
3 Nor are there any madrigalian extravagances in Hassler 's madrigals ; they make good use of antiphony between higher and lower voice-groups as in the openings of ‘ Ach Schatz , ich thu dir klagen ’ and ‘ Fahr hin , guts Liedelein ’ ; but they lack rhythmic spring .
4 Currency : ( North Yemeni ) rial and ( South Yemeni ) dinar both legal currency throughout Yemen ( US$1.00=12.0389 rials and 0.4605 dinars as at Jan. 28 , 1991 ) .
5 Jana , the official Libyan news agency , had earlier claimed that Libyan control would be a'logical and historical' move because of the considerable early Arab links with the city .
6 At this point the Minoan road reaches a crossroads ; the Royal Road continues ( underground now ) westwards past the south fronts of the Bull 's Head Sanctuary and Unexplored Mansion and past more Minoan houses , including the House of the Sacrificed Children , discovered by Peter Warren in 1979 .
7 So i it was a thriving and booming factory because of this supply of machines through
8 PCBs , although no longer produced , were for 50 years widely used in industry — for example as cooling and insulating fluids and in the manufacture of plastics , adhesives , and lubricants .
9 In Almond and verba 's survey , more Britons expressed pride in their governmental and political institutions than in any other feature of the nation that was mentioned .
10 The sum total of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society , the real foundation , on which rises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness .
11 On the contrary , many in the popular movement believe that Fatah has more interest , as one activist put it , in hospitals than in mobile health clinics , in bureaucracy than in local control , and in co-operation with the economic and political notables than with grass-roots movements .
12 Clyde was not popular with some sections of the legal profession and of the press , which suggested that his appointment to high office was due more to birth and political influence than to legal talent .
13 The study will examine contrasting concepts of personhood and moral conduct in relation to the body , gender and gender relationships caste and political leadership , as these emerge in the context of religious and political debates and in the expressed beliefs of religious and lay members of the community .
14 The opening of East European borders led to a massive influx of those seeking work and political asylum and to the introduction in March 1990 of visa requirements for Romanians , Bulgarians and Turks [ see also p. 37969 ] .
15 Almost inevitably , the press sought out the centres of political and economic power both as a major definer of the social and political terrain and as a source of information .
16 This body of work viewed the local political sphere , and those who operated within it , as autonomous — both from local social and political pressure and from wider constraints imposed from outside agencies and institutions .
17 There has been a failure to see constitutional theory and political practice as in dynamic interaction each with the other ; there has been a failure to recognise that interpretations of the constitution are always relative to time , place , and our position as observers ; and so there has been the simple view that the constitutional set-up as it is , as it is said to be , and as it is said it should be , have all been as of one .
18 Thus , for one group of subjects , A is followed on some trials by both primary and conditioned reinforcement whereas on other trials there is no reinforcer at all ; for the other group , stimulus A is always followed by a reinforcer of some sort .
19 Truth is not something fixed and solid beyond and behind the literary text , and to which the text can be reduced : it is simply what comes last in the text .
20 Her is an illustrated story to be lingered over and added to with discussion by adult readers or those introducing children not only to the magic of adventure and solid drawing but to the underlying message that is a sober reminder of our obligations to the life and lives of the earth .
21 There have been major changes in both the interface of the police and raped women and in the media coverage .
22 Will you be faithful in ordaining , sending or laying hands upon on others ? and : Will you show yourself … merciful for Christ 's sake to poor and needy people and to all strangers destitute of help ?
23 In drawing up the list of activities below we have aimed to recommend programmes of study that reinforce the links between English and drama , and between English and media education , which we seek to emphasise throughout this Report as well as in chapters 8 and 9. • We see role-play as a valuable means of broadening pupils ' mental and emotional horizons and of developing social and personal confidence : it provides an ideal medium for much of the exploratory and/or performance-based elements of programmes of study .
24 She was not frigid , but nor had she ever been a slave to purely carnal temptations ; because she had always placed a higher value on mental and emotional stimulation than on physical .
25 At European community level , the designation of such areas depends as much on political and administrative factors as on more quantifiable criteria .
26 But the House of Lords has since made it clear that the scope of judicial review does not depend on any distinction between judicial and administrative functions but on whether the challenged decision affects the applicant 's rights or legitimate expectations and on arguments about the suitability and propriety of judicial review in the circumstances of the case .
27 In the last resort the aims of the Council were to be achieved by ‘ discussion of questions of common concern and by agreements and common action in economic , social , scientific , legal and administrative matters and in the maintenance and further realisation of human rights and fundamental freedoms ’ .
28 Secondly , this book is primarily about constitutional and administrative law and about governmental institutions .
29 Great practical achievements jostle with the expected financial and administrative problems but throughout it is a story of people doing their very best to improve the health and welfare of animals of all shapes and sizes and in all circumstances .
30 Of all the problems dealt with , the solving of debt problems probably has the most dramatic effect for funders : for Government and local authorities the cost of personal insolvency can be immense if not properly handled ; at the same time the work done by bureaux must be saving private companies considerable sums in legal and administrative costs and in reducing their proportion of ‘ bad debts ’ .
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