Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun sg] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 These include , first , any calls for a radical restructuring of society in which new structures and processes of government are sought which would significantly alter the balance between governors and governed ; second , calls for greater priority to be given to social , community and ecological factors in decision-making and lower priority to be given to economic and technological factors which are geared towards reproducing or sustaining the kind of society that exists at present ; and , third , calls for a significant change in defence policy , for example , a renunciation of nuclear weapons , neutralism or disengagement from military alliances such as NATO ( McAuslan , 1980 , p. 6 ) .
2 By a respondent 's notice dated 28 February 1992 the father contended that in the event of the appeal being allowed in part the order should be varied so that the local authority pay to the father a sum representing the costs incurred by the father in the family proceedings court and that sum to be calculated by a costs draftsman by reference to the Legal Aid in Family Proceedings ( Remuneration ) Regulations 1991 or alternatively , to an order that the local authority pay to the father a sum representing in relating to the proceedings below calculated in the same way but excluding all or part of the costs incurred on 27 and 28 January 1992 .
3 It is the job of those responsible for managing that plant and that technology to be thinking furiously what the next step is , and what changes and improvements they can see , because if you are not doing this your competitors will .
4 Notwithstanding the popular appeal and political capital to be derived from such a humane-sounding statement , this definition is nevertheless at variance with the traditional understanding of the meaning of punishment .
5 Accordingly , he suggested separate facilities at each exchange for dealing with juveniles ; notices with information about the exchanges were to be displayed in schools ; lists of prospective school-leavers to be sent to the local exchange with details of their ‘ ability , tastes and desires ’ ; and each school-leaver to be told to call at the exchange for an interview .
6 But as we shall see in Chapter 6 more flexible planning policies are required if the low-wage rural economy is to be alleviated and rural depopulation to be assuaged in those areas where it remains a problem .
7 The network of Training Enterprise Councils ( TEC ) has been set up to allow strategies for dealing with vocational training , employment needs , new enterprise and economic development to be handled at a local level by a single local body , which benefits from the practical experience and local knowledge of the employers and others who serve on its board .
8 According to Soviet claims the Brezhnev plan was also directed at Egypt 's intention to establish its own rapid deployment force with American and Israeli assistance to be deployed against Libya .
9 I came to see the world as an abundant and joyous place to be .
10 Because of the chemical dissolving process , there are very much larger volumes of both solid and liquid waste to be dealt with than at any other nuclear site .
11 More generally , therefore , an employee 's initial idea may be several steps ahead of the present state-of-the-art and yet be too far removed from practical and profitable application to be of immediate benefit .
12 Taxes and public spending to be set to reach a ‘ savings target ’ for the nation over a period of years .
13 There were plenty of crumbs to be gathered from around the cheese and scraps of meat and tasty skin to be picked from the carcass of a cooked chicken .
14 Clearly , too , English language teaching and research would be greatly aided by facilities enabling particular types of linguistic and historical information to be extracted .
15 The Maggot , Ellen insisted , was an untoilet-trained redneck jerk whose only expertise was as a player of the most brutal and mindless sport to be devised since the lions took on the Christians .
16 The two items in the struggle for the liberty of the Church to which Anselm was committed were for him not negotiable either by himself or the successor of the pope who had declared lay investiture and clerical homage to be irreconcilable with the law of the Church .
17 This chapter outlines the procedures and recommended practice to be adopted when engaged to sell a company or business .
18 This chapter outlines the procedures and recommended practice to be adopted when engaged to provide acquisition assistance .
19 It would be necessary to allocate at random a group of people to smoke ( say ) 50 cigarettes per day and another group to be non-smoker controls .
20 ‘ I 've been living on salad , fish and fresh air to be at my lightest for this , but it was well worth it .
21 Far from hitting business , it is particularly important for Skinnergate and High Row to be rid of traffic if they are to survive the opening of the Cornmill development .
22 A problem in studying language is that it is often too close to individual speakers to be observed dispassionately : it is either taken for granted and not seen at all , or is too intimately involved in individual and social identity to be discussed objectively .
23 Mr Gill : Given the reluctance of large organisations and bureaucracies to devolve powers to the lower orders , does my hon. Friend consider that for the principle of subsidiarity to be acceptable it will be necessary for a full and detailed prospectus to be issued showing what powers will be devolved to the national Parliaments ?
24 of the Winchester Group 's issued share capital — was of good character and otherwise suitable to manage the marketing of investment contracts on behalf of Norwich Union and also whether he was a fit and proper person to be appointed as a company representative ; ( 2 ) a letter dated 18 October 1990 directing the chief enforcement officer to undertake the said investigation ; ( 3 ) correspondence relating to the Winchester Group passing between the Chief Executive and the general manager of Norwich Union since 15 October 1990 ; ( 4 ) a copy of a letter dated 12 October 1990 from Abbey Life to the Securities and Investments Board relating to the connections between the Winchester Group and Mr. Randhir Singh , a former Abbey Life appointed representative , now awaiting trial on mortgage fraud charges ; ( 5 ) a copy of a letter dated 31 July 1990 from the Winchester Group offering Mr. Singh the position of recruitment officer .
25 ( 1 ) ( a ) A licensing board shall refuse an application of the type described in subsection ( 2 ) below if it finds that one or more of the following grounds for refusal , being competent grounds , applies to it ( in ) that the applicant , or the person on whose behalf or for whose benefit the applicant will manage the premises or , in the case of an application to which section 11 of this Act applies , the applicant or the employee or agent named in the application is not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence ; ( b ) that the premises to which an application relates are not suitable or convenient for the sale of alcoholic liquor , having regard to their location , their character and condition , the nature and extent of the proposed use of the premises , and the persons likely to resort to the premises ; ( c ) that the use of the premises for the sale of alcoholic liquor is likely to cause undue public nuisance , or a threat to public order and safety ; ( d ) that , having regard to the facilities of the same or similar kind already available in the locality , or to facilities of the same or similar kind , in respect of which the provisional grant of a new licence is in force , which are to be provided in the locality , the grant of an application would result in the Over-provision of such facilities ; and otherwise shall grant the application .
26 In the case of a request by a person other than an individual natural person that the licensing board shall declare the provisional grant of a licence final , that person shall include in the notice in subsection ( 5 ) above the name of the employee or agent whom it is intended should have the day to day running of the premises , and the board shall not declare the provisional grant final if it finds that the employee or agent so named in the notice is not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence .
27 ( 2 ) A licensing board may order the suspension of a licence on one or both of the following grounds : ( a ) that the licence-holder is no longer a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence ; ( h ) that the use of the premises in respect of which the licence is held has caused undue public nuisance or a threat to public order or safety .
28 ( 3 ) A licensing board shall not refuse an application for the renewal of a licence under this Part of this Act except under subsection ( 4 ) below or on one or more of the following grounds : ( a ) that the manager is disqualified by or under this or any other enactment for holding a licence or is in other respects not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence under this Part of this Act ; or ( b ) that the rules as to the persons entitled to use the canteen have not been observed or that the canteen has in other respects been improperly conducted ; or ( c ) that the manager or the body providing the canteen has entered into an agreement of the kind mentioned in paragraph ( d ) of section 41(1) of this Act .
29 A person shall be eligible to be admitted to the non-corporate grade of affiliate of the Association provided that he or she is , in the opinion of Council , a fit and proper person to be so admitted and
30 A person is eligible for registration as a student member provided that he/she is , in the opinion of the Council , a fit and proper person to be so admitted and :
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