Example sentences of "and [adj] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the last issue of Observations , M. Ross raised two issues which are of ongoing concern to many classroom teachers ; that teachers views on education matters are not taken seriously enough by the decision makers and that to get on in education you must parrot the latest jargon .
2 A further example of national information about which local managers were unable to act came with the expanding of the National Diploma level of BTEC in schools : when it was shown that there did not have to be an exclusive choice of BTEC and A levels and that to offer both at the same time was not only permissible but also helpful , the manager was able to make new local choices .
3 And then — then , you consequently climb the damned thing and are too drunk and half-witted to get down by yourself ! ’
4 In the first week after the birth , she can safely leave her litter of up to six cubs , though more usually three , hidden in the den and helpless to move around on their own , while she hunts .
5 Inflation is now 4pc and due to reduce further to 3pc .
6 Lydia in the leading car was loth to hoot for fear of maddening the dogs and loth to get out for the same reason .
7 But just around a bend in the road an opposition supporter who was frightened away from the station , Mr Ram Raj Upadhyaya , said : ‘ We are all terrified and afraid to go anywhere near the polling station .
8 Team organiser , Grove Projects ’ Robin Williams , explains that he would like to hear from players in the London area who would be keen and willing to turn out for regular league and cup matches .
9 Bobby Robson said : ‘ I spoke to Bryan and he declared himself fit and willing to join up with the party .
10 Separate studies by the Roper Organisation , a research group , and DDB Needham , an ad agency , have found that the proportion of shoppers seeking out particular brands and willing to pay more for them has fallen sharply since the late 1980s .
11 When my right hon. Friend is dealing with trade with Libya , will he bear it in mind that the United Kingdom is happy and willing to trade anywhere in the world , because that is important to us as a trading nation , but we must never sacrifice our values and standards , particularly those concerning our attitude towards international terrorism ?
12 Douglas was forming up a tight group to tackle this entrance , and another to proceed round to the rear to block any back-door escape , when the night 's wet quiet was suddenly disturbed .
13 And , in addition to having to keep his clothes clean , his body was often too bruised and painful to play apart from the fact that he did n't know how to .
14 They hurried off , Rathbone with an excited spring in his step , Bruce huffing and puffing to keep up with him , and passed out of the rain into a street wedged thick with fog .
15 Where it was still highly risky and dangerous to speak negatively of the Führer , people frequently vented their wrath on the Party and its representatives .
16 The Grand Army was famous for its fires ; another , thirty yards away , was even bigger , and impossible to approach even from windward , so great was the heat .
17 Easy to take , easy to make , and easy to carry about without being caught .
18 Schoolboys are very conventional and quick to gang up on any boy who in behaviour or dress does not conform .
19 The same approach was extended by both Patterson and Flory to deal specifically with polymer systems .
20 Mrs Cook , a heart patient , was suffering from a condition which made her agitated and likely to fall out of bed .
21 Senior civil servants can scarcely be blamed for thinking of their political masters as relatively temporary and likely to move on before fully understanding departmental problems and the merit of traditional policies .
22 They were all so done up and seemed so aloof. , Yet , in fact they were really easy going and fine to get along with
23 The silver bugle light infantry badge is returning to Hartlepool after 50 years with the setting up of a new army cadet force detachment which is looking for boys and girls aged between 13 and 18 to go along on Monday at 7pm to St James Church Hall , Rossmere Way .
24 Bereft of the supernatural assistance previously offered by the Catholic priest and unwilling to rely solely on the petitionary prayers favoured by Protestants , they resorted to time-honoured magical charms and remedies to cure sickness , improve the weather , or ward off evil spirits .
25 The stylistic aplomb of the article may have us accepting the analogous links made between cockfighting and the totality of Balinese society without realising that these links are too fragmentary and partial to stand properly for the whole .
26 All children should be supported in valuing their own dialects and in using them where they are appropriate to context and purpose , but they should also be able to use Standard English when it is necessary and helpful to do so in speaking as well as writing .
27 Notwithstanding the doubts surrounding the scope of the privilege which attaches to ‘ parliamentary proceedings ’ , certain other privileges are well established , although somewhat antiquated , and unlikely to figure significantly in the future .
28 It was all very well beating a man at his own game when she was standing free and able to lash out with her acid tongue .
29 It is a good idea to know at the outset whether the members of the critical mass will be willing and able to respond appropriately to the change ; then , if it is determined that certain members are unwilling or unable , that situation can be planned for and dealt with .
30 Because Deane is more mobile and able to go out to the wing and hold the ball up , it gives Wallace more space etc etc .
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