Example sentences of "and [verb] over a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One night , bumping into the doorway , and stepping over a colleague , I made my way out into the sleet , the toilets all being occupied , and as I crouched , steadying my cheek against the cold planks , I peered through the reeking shadows of Auschwitz and saw that the nearest ruins were fuming more than ever and had even begun to glow .
2 ‘ They had clashed on the stairs and argued over a girl , ’ said Mr Crigman .
3 He had , however , proceeded in safety till he came to the Willow Walk , within half a mile of the church , when by a sudden stagger he quitted the path , and passed over a ditch on his right hand .
4 Four Minor Project schools were selected for closer investigation by the evaluation team and visited over a period of one or two days .
5 Designed by John Carr of York and built over a period of thirteen years between 1759 and 1772 , its spectacular interior boasts exquisite plasterwork ceilings by the Scottish architect Robert Adam decorated by Angelica Kaufman , Biagio Rebecca and Antonio Zucchi .
6 Gradually , collaborative writing ( writing in pairs , threes , fours and sustained over a number of sessions ) began to increase .
7 Break up a little of the white or plain dark chocolate for decorating and melt over a pan of simmering water ( see step 1 ) .
8 To avoid settlement problems at this location a surcharge embankment was constructed and monitored over a period of 8 months .
9 What better way to end a dinner party than to relax and linger over a glass of port and a generous chunk of Stilton .
10 I mean to move on silently escaping , but I crash straight into a trolley , pushed by a bloke looking like one of the heavyweights in a James Bond film , so I leap away at speed as he snarls after me and knock over a pile of bean tins .
11 His tutorials were always stimulating and ranged over a variety of subjects .
12 Go left through the trees and climb over a ladder stile .
13 Funnel crushed food into the tea strainer and shake over a piece of paper
14 Melt the cooking chocolate and spread over a tray approximately 8 ’ x 12 ’ and leave to set .
15 A small train , hauled by a tiny steam engine and comprising double-bogied cars carrying three sealed , hissing cauldrons each , trundled slowly by , wheels screeching and clattering over a set of points .
16 We used to take a basket and trudge over a mile to a huge horse chestnut tree that grew just past Petersfinger on the Southampton Road , its branches stretching right across from side to side .
17 In both key stages 3 and 4 they should have the opportunity to present an extended piece of work that has been planned , drafted , revised and polished over a period of time .
18 He turned to go but Talbot stopped him as a seaman entered and handed over a sheet of paper .
19 They had a routine for it , as most couples do — Annie put the fuel in , Tessa took some paper towels from the dispenser and cleaned the windscreen ; then Tessa went to the pay-window and handed over a credit card as soon as Annie put the pump nozzle back into position .
20 Weasel turned and grinned expectantly at his companion , who grunted and handed over a coin from his pouch .
21 He took up the poker and turned over a log carefully .
22 There are many tests of children 's language which have been developed and marketed over a number of years .
23 While a kettle boiled she could set a table , light a fire , and watch over a cooking breakfast .
24 His pupil , D'Eslon , formulated laws under which animal magnetism seemed to operate : it was a universal , continuous fluid , which was subtle in that it had an ebb and flow ; it was concentrated in the human body like a magnet ; and could be accumulated and communicated over a distance .
25 ’ But those years he would go into his study afterwards with the coffee her mother made , to smoke his pipe and look over a case , and he shut the door .
26 The contract was awarded in September 1990 and within six weeks CCG had mobilised and handed over a number of buildings to support the construction team on the ‘ Core Site ’ .
27 However , while the main strings are fixed through the body and pass over a roller on their way to the saddle , the octave strings affix to the back of the bridge .
28 Christopher , making a grab for the money , lunged and fell into George who fell into the coffee table and knocked over a vase of daisies , drenching the sofa , the carpet and a large part of Mrs Morrison .
29 The Chapman I knew and observed over a decade and more seemed to me never to have outgrown his background , his appetites , his ambitions or his selfishness .
30 Joe Selwyn joined the Glosters in 1932 at the age of 18 and spent over a decade in the land of the Raj .
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