Example sentences of "and [verb] him the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 An estimated 3,000 delegates from one faction claiming to represent the opposition Forum for the Restoration of Democracy ( FORD ) gathered in Nairobi on Sept. 4 and unanimously elected Jaramogi Oginga Odinga as FORD chairman and designated him the party 's presidential candidate .
2 Should she do a U-turn and sell him the house ? she wondered .
3 He thought he 'd find a rich one and sell him the cross for a good price .
4 Kenneth adores him and commandeered him the moment he arrived , allowing me to join them on a walk after yet another edible meal ( any more of this clever cooking and you 'll ruin your reputation ) .
5 So I 'd ask you Madam to go along with what I 'm suggesting and make him the subject of an absolute discharge so that he does n't have any previous court er any , any convictions or anything like that on his record .
6 In ‘ 87 , Nick had been in Athens as one of the team that lured Fawaz Younis to a boat out of territorial waters , and put the handcuffs on him , and read him the charges of Air Piracy and placing a destructive device aboard an aircraft and committing violence aboard an aircraft and aiding and abetting a hijacking .
7 When my father is drunk and beats me , he does it because I wo n't go out and beg in the streets and bring him the money I get .
8 If you remember , yesterday afternoon , after the funeral , Francis asked me to lock the studio and bring him the key .
9 I called on the editor and sold him the idea that I should write the feature on my province ‘ Saskatchewan ’ , which I did , thus earning $30. towards the expenses of my Vancouver holiday .
10 He complained once about Kavanagh 's poems being read on Irish radio in a vulgar Monaghan accent ; he saw his brother as a poetic giant among Dublin 's envious literary pygmies who filled the helpless bard with whiskey and made him the instrument of their Communist-homosexual conspiracies .
11 But they hold it is witchcraft which singled out this particular victim for attack and made him the target of the animal 's assault .
12 I have initiated him into the ‘ Secret Doctrine ’ , opened his centres of vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers .
13 Every time he lifted the cap of his luminous watch the hands seemed to have barely moved , but now he hauled Nigel Clogstoun-Willmott into the canoe and passed him the flask of coffee .
14 ‘ I know , ’ she said superciliously , and passed him the glass .
15 ‘ Style , ’ she replied , throwing her long fair hair over her shoulders and flashing him the toothpaste smile again .
16 Throughout their married life she was a tremendous support , managing their everyday affairs , helping to organise his exhibitions on both sides of the Atlantic and allowing him the freedom — one might say the luxury — to paint without interruption .
17 Edward undertook to place a force of 600 men at the duke 's disposal and to grant him the earldom of Richmond , to which his family had an ancient claim and which John of Gaunt relinquished for the purpose .
18 Preston was astonished at himself for letting it happen , but when he 'd first suggested wearing a condom Emily had said , ‘ You do n't have to , ’ and told him the story about her abortion , and he 'd felt too sorry for her , and too embarrassed , to insist on doing so for health reasons .
19 He showed Mr Utterson the broken stick and told him the servant girl 's story .
20 I saw three movements and told him the Sonata would sound better if he made a very flashy last movement , but with content .
21 After she contacted her boyfriend and told him the news , they immediately headed back to Leeds .
22 I always wrote the replies and told him the news and reassured him that Mum was watching his widow , which it gave her great pleasure to do .
23 An advocate of home rule and agrarian reform , Walsh 's support for the controversial ‘ plan of campaign ’ earned him the displeasure of Rome and cost him the cardinal 's hat .
24 But I had no idea how to make them so I had to ask my tutor and show him the work .
25 Our table felt it was worth £20 of tickets for a woman to put her hand up and show him the error of his ways , but we 'd already forked out enough , honest .
26 ‘ Now then , our Emily , get your skates on and show him the lie of the land .
27 Then you take out the little plastic box from your jacket and show him the syringe needle .
28 Such suspicions were reinforced when he made this pampered favourite Duke of Lennox and granted him the revenues of Arbroath abbey .
29 Because the sons of the primal father both loved and hated him the possibility arose that those of them who by luck or design chanced on their actual fathers in their hunt for women and killed him or drove him off ( most probably the former , the latter seems insufficiently traumatic ) would have gratified one side of their ambivalent feelings , but would by the same action have frustrated the other .
30 It would have been better , would it not , if you had spoken earlier , and spared him the journey that was his death ? ’
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