Example sentences of "and [verb] up [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 PV the number of pages per volume for paper and microfilm up to a maximum of 9999 , in this format :
2 Falling donations have forced Greenpeace International to cut its 1993 budget from $36 million to $27 million , sell the largest of its seven ships , and make up to a quarter of its 500 campaigners redundant .
3 I was promptly carried outside into the garden and propped up in a chair .
4 We spent a day ashore on Barentsøya where the Dutch party went off inland on their own and met up with a polar bear with two cubs , which ran off when they saw the party .
5 Our enthusiasm for getting afloat was an overriding factor — that part of the job remained the same and made up for a lot of hassle .
6 You might compare , for instance , a real letter from 1740 with one of the letters in Richardson 's novel Pamela ( published 1740 , and made up of a sequence of imitation letters ) .
7 PARIS — The French Army , fatigued by khaki , is to get a new ‘ modular ’ uniform designed by Pierre Balmain and made up in a grey-blue colour known as Terre de France .
8 The noise starts as a light tapping and builds up to a louder noise then stops suddenly .
9 He and David Hemmings got on very well and got up to a lot of mischievous things .
10 One startling apparition a few seats away was masked , and got up like a Chinese mandarin , with clacking claws for hands emerging from generous silk sleeves .
11 I cut off the path proper and charged up over a dune and down its other side to where the service pipe carrying the water and electricity to the house appears out of the sand and crosses the creek .
12 The material is then worked on by the waves and built up into a ridge facing the direction from which the greatest waves come .
13 This will differ according to the richness of the environment provided by the home and the wider community , but all children live and grow up in a print-rich world full of writing and people who write .
14 I was concerned to understand what it was like to leave school and grow up in a world with little work .
15 Now John Burnett found his good-natured and impressionable son falling under the spell of two far more intelligent men of dubious opinions , and caught up in a wild scheme for emigration to America .
16 Thus , once again , there is considerable potential for teachers to become confused between the relative demands of these two quite different approaches to moderation and caught up in a great deal of additional work .
17 If you fancy trying it yourself around harvest time in September , then gather together a few pounds of the bluey-black sloe berries , prick them all over with a fork , smother them in about 6oz of sugar and top up with a litre of gin .
18 We drove on to the top of the road and drew up outside a compound surrounded by a wire fence ; inside was a large white building surrounded by an expanse of gravel on which a huge group of people were drawn up in lines .
19 They were closed , but just beyond them he cut the engine and drew up to a short flight of steps with a small studded door at the top .
20 And ending up with a thumping great lie .
21 We 'll make a hypothetical traverse from Easter Island on the East Pacific Rise ( an oceanic ridge , remember ) right across South America as far as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge , so we 'll be starting at one plate margin , crossing a second and ending up at a third , each of them , of course , marked by a major belt of seismic activity [ see Fig. 2 ] .
22 This nearly always results in drifting further back without much gain of height and ending up in a worse situation than before .
23 Flying through the sea breeze front without realising it is a common cause of inadvertently landing downwind and ending up in a hedge .
24 Trist and his colleagues were invited to study the problem and to come up with a solution .
25 Simon 's daughter , Pippa , a beauty of six who had one blue and one green eye , swarmed watchfully into the room on her stomach with Thomas 's encouragement and bounced up with a war whoop behind the chairs of two sleeping visitors .
26 It is possible that the origin is naval and dates from the 16th Century when ‘ sucking the monkey ’ described the tapping and topping up of a coconut with rum before the milk mix was sucked from it .
27 The Janetstown , Thurso , environmental health officer was broken twice after two short fights and stepped up to a 70 lb wire trace with 10 feet of 200 lb nylon as a rubbing leader and baited up with a 1 lb coalfish deadbait on a size 8/0 hook .
28 The government subsequently altered its estimate of those able to claim and came up with a 50 per cent take-up rate .
29 The government subsequently altered its estimate of those able to claim and came up with a 50 per cent take-up rate .
30 The government subsequently altered its estimate of those able to claim and came up with a 50 per cent take-up rate .
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