Example sentences of "and [verb] she [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 Then he pulled her towards him and asked her to give him a kiss , but she pulled away quickly when she saw Mum 's scowl .
2 In his mind he spoke another girl 's name ; a girl long dead , and asked her to forgive him .
3 And she let it force out the delighted cry ‘ Daniel ! ’ and make her hug him and kiss him — even while the darkness and the ice returned within .
4 Pip has never really thought about his features until this point and from then on wants to be a gentleman because he has instantly fallen in love with Estella and wants to impress her , and make her love him .
5 One of the Germans stationed in the house got suspicious of Antoinette hanging about near the cellar door and made her give him the key and go down there with him so he could see what she was hiding .
6 she dragged Emma in there she dragged Emma in there and made her kiss him , made him kiss her .
7 He unlocked a padlock into a smallish barn — the key was in the padlock waiting — and got her to help him push the wooden doors back .
8 Any minute and he would be inviting her through to the bedroom and urging her to call him Alexander !
9 She stood up to walk stiffly around the desk , glaring at him as he stepped politely to one side and let her precede him from the room .
10 He clipped the lead on to the dog with cold hands which would hardly function , and let her pull him up the slope as fast as he could make his legs move .
11 She had laid him in Dot 's arms and let her hold him on her own .
12 ‘ Go to meet him with Maggie and let her charm him . ’
13 He sat on her lap and let her hug him .
14 Mrs Singh expressed a worry about Balbinder refusing to dress himself and ordering her to get him ready for school when he could do this perfectly well if he wanted to .
15 His words faded , and he put his hands on her shoulders again and turned her face him , holding her gaze by the sheer power of his will until , steeled and strengthened by her desperate need to break the spell , Merrill wrenched herself away to open the car door .
16 Piers was staring at her , and he finally caught her chin in his hand and turned her to face him .
17 He put his drink down and turned her to face him , his eyes intent on her face .
18 Penry grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her to face him .
19 ‘ It does n't matter , ’ she muttered , and turned away , but Penry seized her by the waist and turned her to face him .
20 Then , while her insides went into a tangle of mild uproar , he took hold of her by her arms — which in no way helped to mend the way she was feeling — and turned her to face him .
21 As she moved towards Moonbeam , however , he caught her arm and swung her to face him .
22 He let her go and beckoned her to follow him .
23 I turned round and watched her hoist him on to her hip and harangue with her fist in the air , until the sight of her was dissolved by the dust thrown up behind the car .
24 He would just walk on , holding her hand and letting her lead him , turning his head a bit so she would n't see his closed eyes and keeping the sun on his left cheek as an additional guide .
25 It was a full two minutes before he pushed firmly into her and felt her envelop him , felt her bury her face in his shoulder , heard her gasp , a little pain , unused to him being there , then the gush of warmth , love and pleasure .
26 She should be married to Charlie now , and safely pregnant at Lady Mead with Nanny , and if Charlie were to phone her tonight and ask her to marry him tomorrow she would cry , ‘ Darling !
27 ‘ There wo n't be any , ’ Lindsey gave the quiet assurance , and thought she heard him mutter ‘ good girl ! ’ , but told herself she must have imagined it , as he was already striding down the corridor .
28 On Joe 's previous leave he had noticed how quiet and unhappy she seemed , and persuaded her to tell him the reason .
29 He paused just long enough for her to wonder if he was about to do the decent thing and invite her to join him .
30 He took her shoulders and spun her to face him .
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