Example sentences of "and [verb] she [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Some moment when she , as a child , was on the verge of doing something wrong , and he could have fulfilled a father 's role and made her do it .
2 She watched and listened as he sat on the bed , held the frightened woman 's hand and made her believe it too .
3 He spread an artist 's folio before her , untied the ribbons with delicate fingers , and invited her to lay it open .
4 For the first time in her life Miss Fogerty was in command , and found she liked it .
5 He understood , and helped her lift it onto her hip .
6 ‘ Leave her there and let her sleep it off , ’ said Constance .
7 And just dip it in and let her suck it .
8 He lay back limp as a rag and let her do it , the way he always let people do things for him , not lifting a finger .
9 That was all she took in at first , until Miss Belle cried in an excited voice , ‘ Well , Rene , take the coat off and let her feel it .
10 If she 's crying for some other reason like because we 've been quarrelling and she wants to make up but does n't know how to I just put my arms round her and cuddle her and let her cry it out .
11 But I said , it is , yeah , that 's what I saying i Mary was so delighted because I took it and let her see it .
12 She put her hand down to push him away and he grabbed it , squeezing it around the erect penis and forcing her to rub it up and down .
13 The radio was on in the living-room , he entered and saw her lying on the floor , When he knelt down and touched her face it was warm , and she moved a little .
14 No matter what 's wrong , they prescribe more pills and tell her to take it easy .
15 It could not be faulted in respect of how clean and tidy she kept it .
16 He walked with her to the door of the hall and watched her stepping it out across the square , her shoulders back , her head defiantly erect .
17 As she gathered them together , she noticed a small pamphlet stuffed inside the first carrier bag , and puzzled she pulled it out .
18 He sometimes thought about ringing her and asking her to take it off , but common sense prevailed and he did nothing .
19 Testing is carried out by presenting the student with a new example of the concept and asking her to identify it .
20 Shall I give her a ring and ask her to fax it ?
21 It had been Great-Aunt Alicia who had considered it a marvellous and exciting opportunity and persuaded her to accept it .
22 It had disturbed her , though , she said : being struck hard on the face and finding she enjoyed it .
23 And does she like it ?
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