Example sentences of "and [verb] they have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Would you recognise that we live a society where some men hate women and are able to use whatever power and influence they have to project an image of women which is which is hateful ?
2 The individuals interviewed were asked how many people had participated in the most recent assessment and review they had attended and how long these usually took .
3 ‘ We keep meeting these people who travel down to Cornwall and say they 've surfed big breaks , but it 's all false .
4 John 's already stolen my thunder on the straw poll erm that I was going to do but suffice to say that we normally do that at these types of seminars and there 's always a few people in the room who put their hands up and say they 've got more than ten data sources in their organization .
5 N H S they will re transfer your name to Bupa and Bupa will write to you and say they 've got a bed if you 'd like to have it .
6 So long as people can walk out of a room and say they have decided to leave on their terms , they retain their dignity .
7 According to Richard Baxter , for example , it led to the arrogance of ‘ idle boys who tear out all the hard leaves of their books and say they have learned all when they have learned the rest ’ .
8 According to the Wall Street Journal , scientists at the Murray Hill , New Jersey lab are using a new filtering technique to achieve the large gains in capacity , and say they have succeeded in transmitting signals error-free over 8,125 miles at 20 Gbps , double the previous record for long-distance transmission .
9 The police soon traced the couple 's movements and found they had made a number of telephone calls to Paris .
10 The French police ran a check on fingerprints , and found they 'd got Puddephat .
11 The next time through we have them picked up and lo and behold they 've got a suitcase full of heroin .
12 I spent the whole of my first year waiting to be tapped on the shoulder and told they 'd made a mistake .
13 Bernard Cotton , the England manager , forcefully expressed the view that England failed to beat the Lahore XI because the Pakistani umpires did not award them the penalty corners and strokes they had earned .
14 Bernard Cotton , the England manager , forcefully expressed the view that England failed to beat the Lahore XI because the Pakistani umpires did not award them the penalty corners and strokes they had earned .
15 MPMR leaders stated in a news conference that they did not regret their past actions and believed they had assisted in the defeat of the Pinochet dictatorship and the restoration of democracy .
16 That summer the Allies announced that the families who had helped prisoners-of-war would be remunerated for the board and lodging they had given : a form could be collected from the town hall .
17 Oil of Ulay is 40 years young this year and to celebrate they have given the range a striking new look .
18 Erm so we wish to thank them all , or I wish to thank them all very much for all their hard work and support they 've given me .
19 I would , by the way , like to thank the members of , of the Investment Panel , for the help and support they 've given me , and also , in fact , to point out that erm , although s er , your your Chairman has spoken of Sir Ray severing his formal links with the Council , I have to say that we still do have one or two claws still attached to him , in that he remains on , as a very valued member of the Investment Panel , and will continue to provide his wisdom and advice , for which we are all very grateful .
20 But , instead of the freedom and ease they had longed for , all they felt was emptiness where once all was tension and work .
21 and enjoy they 've bought the hut to enjoy
22 Just as the inhabitants of the barrios here defend their pathetic shanties to the last , defying the well-meaning efforts of the authorities to relocate them , so the poor in intellect cling to whatever feeble idea they have been able to fashion out of the odds and ends they have foraged .
23 And look they 've put them on the bottom , instead of doing the top ones first , they obviously have n't .
24 And although three quarters of our teenagers thought it best to wait until 16 before losing their virginity , the younger boys say they feel under pressure to have sex and reckoned they 've got even less information to equip them for a sex life .
25 Over the past 15 years perinatal mortality rates have more than halved while the social and political pressure to measure and interpret them has increased .
26 If the Everton board - and remember they have given no indication of doing so - were to replace Howard , would they promise the new manager money ?
27 Yeah if they if their churning out the stock that tu tend to churn out , I mean I go along for an enquiry for a few and find they 've got thousands in stock .
28 Some of the businesses were commercially successful , but only because those involved in owning and running them had invested life savings and borrowed substantially .
29 That was better for us because it 's in the next district and meant they had to do the work and not us . ’
30 Most of the parties saw their MPs and felt they had received positive support for the objectives of the Lobby .
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