Example sentences of "and [verb] it as [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the early 1970s an organization was established to govern karate on a world scale and to promote it as a new and fascinating sport .
2 UCLA 's head of the Art department , Henry T. Hopkins , is taking over the directorship , and he plans to show special exhibitions in the building and develop it as a cultural centre for ‘ lectures , symposia , dance , film and poetry readings ’ .
3 Seeing the latter in one-dimensional terms , and characterising it as a weak version of the more prestigious intellectual analogues used ( design as weak art or weak science ) , such models never explored design — cognitive activity from its own standpoint or in respect of its own efficacy .
4 Instead , the wall was used as a reason for seeking conciliation with the East and accepting it as a fait accompli .
5 It has been stated that the principle of primogenital succession was increasingly observed in the eleventh century ; but there was a substantial difference between accepting the customary right of the eldest son to succeed , if he were of age and competent , and accepting it as an inviolable rule , as was proved by the usurpation of Robert the Frisian , and perhaps also by the succession of Raymond IV of Toulouse ( though here the facts are rather uncertain ) .
6 If , a week ago , someone had told her it might happen to her she would have laughed and treated it as a huge joke .
7 What makes the difference between seeing a picture as a jumble of meaningless lines , and seeing it as a picture of a landscape ? ( 194–219 )
8 This suggests that the difference between seeing a picture as a jumble of meaningless lines , and seeing it as a picture of a landscape , is that in the latter case an act of recognition , or of interpretation , takes place .
9 Indeed there is no doubt that in overthrowing capitalism , and seeing it as the source of all modern evils , the Soviets saw themselves as the true heirs of the Enlightenment .
10 Child abuse is something no one would wish to endure , and using it as a sales/hype ploy is sick .
11 ‘ It was a nightmare , ’ Baldwin told G. M. Young , attributing the defeat exclusively to ‘ the pacifist ’ issue and using it as a reason for eschewing rearmament in the early days of Hitler .
12 Donna did n't manage to get her finger around the trigger but she did pull the weapon clear , closing her hand around it and using it as a club .
13 The plan for converting the large volumes of the mill interior into living accommodation involved retaining the entrance into the lean-to engine house and using it as the main entrance to the building .
14 The vulture is manipulating the stone and using it as an extension of its beak to crack the egg .
15 Her advice is to try and treat it as a normal meal .
16 Netherwood has carried out modifications to the kit and relaunched it as the Rotorway Exec 90 , currently selling for $35,000 including power plant .
17 A frame store could freeze any moment of the action on screen , and display it as a still picture .
18 The initial agreement made was a licensing agreement whereby Rover ( then known as BL ) assembled the Honda Ballade from 1981 onwards with limited alterations and sold it as the Triumph Acclaim .
19 The whole tenor of planning policy has been to restrict the presence of industry in the countryside and to preserve it as a largely pastoral backwater .
20 The wind caught the spindrift and flung it as a jewelled and treacherous veil into the depths of the ragged sky that dizzied her when contrary winds ripped the clouds this way and that .
21 Robin Cook , the shadow trade and industry secretary , said the Government had put forward the biggest tax increases for any Budget in history and described it as a ‘ Budget of failure and a Budget of cheats ’ .
22 By the latter half of the century , the majority of books on child care — which were enjoying a tremendous popularity — strongly recommended breast-feeding and described it as the normal practice ( Fildes 1980 ) .
23 Some elements in the Argentine military , along with members of the opposition UCR , characterized the abandonment of the missile programme as a capitulation to US demands , and described it as an irresponsible move at a time when Chile was suspected to be seeking a new missile .
24 In the ‘ FURNITURE ’ section he made a little hut out of cardboard and used it as a base for his search .
25 He named the coccus Micrococcus lysodeikticus and used it as a test for identifying the destructive or lysing agent .
26 ‘ I suppose he could have folded it and used it as a spill to get a light from the pilot on the gas water heater . ’
27 They realised the strategic importance of the site and used it as a naval base and trading post .
28 The creative team took this new insight and used it as a spring-board to create a very successful campaign based on sprouting leaves and the headline : " Refreshes the parts other beers can not reach " , thus demonstrating the imaginative leap creative people make from research findings to effect communication messages .
29 Weather prediction is vital to the success of farming and other activities , and for centuries people have watched the natural world closely and used it as a guide .
30 Like the Edwardians , the Mods assumed what had been an exclusively and outrageously homosexual style and used it as a key to cross into the ‘ private ’ space of the body and of self-discovery ; unlike their forebears , they were far more intimately involved with black culture , from the new black music of the Tamla and Sue labels , to the ‘ bluebeat ’ clubs that were opening , as an index of Britain 's more visible black community .
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