Example sentences of "and [verb] [indef pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She disappeared , then reappeared behind the counter and whispered something to the girl who was on duty there .
2 Had Furlanetto done his homework on the great singers of the past , simply in order to try and absorb something of the tradition in double-quick time ?
3 As the New Right has denounced and undermined a communitarian form of society , so ‘ The numbers of people for whom such communitarian visions are good and mean something at the level of their everyday experiences are declining , attenuating their moral force . ’
4 It was also a pleasant break from air-travel to go by road from Agra to Delhi , and to see something of the country .
5 The aims of the Fatherland Union were set out as being " to protect national interests , strengthen national unity and concord and unite everybody in the name of Bulgaria " .
6 Despite our wariness of exclusivity , if I had a satisfactory answer to my first question ( somewhere along the lines of : we pay nothing and lose none of the candidate fee ! )
7 He reappeared carrying two glasses that tinkled with ice and passed one over the fence to the woman .
8 She was alone in the world and owned nothing but the clothes in which she stood , a small attaché case filled with important things and a brown paper carrier bag containing shoes , stockings , and two crystal goblets carefully wrapped in a pair of white cotton knickers .
9 But the location is , as it were , accidental , and contributes nothing to the tension between Circe and Persephone as it has been teased out , in this passage along with others , by Guy Davenport ( see his ‘ Persephone 's Ezra ’ , in New Approaches to Ezra Pound ) .
10 The poachers used stones to frighten their rabbits into the net , walking about and rattling one against the other .
11 If Alison Watt , poor little sausage , had measured the Queen Mum from ear to ear , and got everything in the right place in the same picture , people would probably tell her she was a genius .
12 They have that particular one because the two little girls wanted to be bridesmaid 's , have just been bridesmaid 's and have these dresses and Anna thought the colour was so pretty , cos she went into Laura Ashley and got one in the sale of last years stock .
13 On the one hand , as I wrote , I found myself wanting to alert readers to an increasing amount of detailed literature , across a wide range of disciplines , currently being reported ; and to indicate something of the complexity of the issues being pursued .
14 The company 's ability to adapt to new opportunities and capitalize on them depends on its capacity to share information and involve everyone in the organization in a systemwide search for ways to improve , adjust , adapt , and upgrade .
15 Do you have any indication of its source , and say something about the background of people .
16 They wanted a new start and found one in the form of nearby Hangman 's Wood , owned by the Marley Paving company .
17 It looked round for an ally , and found one in the old hereditary enemy , Austria-Hungary .
18 Then he went to bed , having checked the room for electronic bugs and found one in the base of the lamp .
19 The lorry driver , a relief worker from ISC Chemicals in Bristol , came on the wrong day and found nobody at the plant .
20 He waved and shouted something at the mercer in the street below , then scrambled back onto the ladder again and started to descend .
21 He turned and shouted something to the mercer below .
22 Once again , start with the largest flowers and place one at the top and one at the bottom of the design , and then two staggered in the middle .
23 Take two potatoes of the same variety and place one in the fridge on a high setting and the other in the vegetable rack for three days .
24 Visitors can wander round the vessel and explore everything from the engine room to the galley and from the bridge to the gun turrets .
25 Fortunately , modern enclosures are slowly replacing these cages which are cramped and provide nothing for the animal .
26 Topknot spread his arms above him and muttered something at the sky .
27 At this point Sergeant Aitken came in and muttered something in the Inspector 's ear .
28 These people may need to get married — trapped — to prove that they can get out , that divorce is not impossible , to discover that they can influence and do something about the situation .
29 Prentice reached up and put something on the thin collar of Rory 's shirt .
30 He stepped into the kitchen and put something on the table .
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