Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv prt] one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We recommend that you visit the tourist office and pick up one of the ‘ walking maps ’ to make the most of the area .
2 The City Fire Inspectors later concluded that the fire was caused by a " freak focus " , due to the rising sun catching and reflecting off one of my holographic magnifying mirrors .
3 But when I mentioned that there was a legendary tunnel that ran from the battlements of Beaufort down through the sheer rock to the bottom of the Litani gorge , they leapt to their feet and bounded up one of the staircases .
4 You can get special surface-mounting boxes which have a slot to take mini-trunking , but if these are not available , simply run the mini-trunking up to the edge of the box and knock out one of the holes in the side .
5 then you start here … in the world of karting … each and every sunday in the summer these little machines will be buzzing and blasting around one of the tracks in the country …
6 In the Sun 's report , the accused was alleged to have told the police that he stripped the victim naked and cut off one of her breasts to make it look like ‘ the work of a madman ’ .
7 But in South Africa , because male dancers were scarce , every available man willing to go on stage and hold up one of the women had to be encouraged and enabled to do so ; consequently , even the most rudimentary beginners were taught partnering .
8 The raffle or lottery is a form of random sample — in its simplest form the identical little numbered tickets are shaken up in a hat and drawn out one by one by someone with their eyes closed .
9 Just as I was put through to you I had the idea of reaching out to take one of these pencils and to tear off one of the canvass-returns as a notepad .
10 I had one repaired for Susannah , it had been left to her by an aunt and she had managed to smash it against a post or something and broke the shank and knocked out one of the erm , stones , so on and so forth , and eh , together with some repairs on a charm bracelet I had to pay thirty seven pounds for the whole jolly lot .
11 Lloyd shut the door after him and pulled up one of the chairs , straddling it .
12 He dived into his vest pocket and pulled out one of those cheap black cheroots .
13 He gave a cynical laugh , mooched around the abandoned jetty until he found a piece of wood about the right length , wedged it as politely as possible in the gap between the lid and the box , and pulled out one of the flat packages .
14 You could either buy a lot of 10V , 5 per cent Zeners and sort out one with the right voltage ( up to 10.5V is possible at 5 per cent tolerance ) , or you could use a 9.1V Zener in series with two high-current silicon rectifiers , which will drop about 0.5V each .
15 If , for example , the Gnat 's Water Brewery , which operates three inns in a small country village , wishes to close and sell off one of these inns so as to improve the profitability of its remaining inns , it may insert a restrictive covenant into the conditions of sale of the inn in question , whereby the purchaser of the inn covenants not to use the premises as licensed premises .
16 He sacrifices four lambs at the base of the li ga , then takes two inside and kills them by slitting open the throat and the chest and cutting off one of the forelegs at the shoulder , so the heart can be taken out , still pumping , and offered to the god on a plate on the dhāmi 's raised seat .
17 He leans forward and picks up one of his legs and pulls it right out from his trousers .
18 We may consider rather the analogy of carpets being brought periodically into a shop for display and rolled out one by one on a pile .
19 He smiled , said ‘ hello ’ and then unexpectedly stuck out his foot and tripped up one of the slaves .
20 A branch whipped across the screen and tore off one of the wipers .
21 When he had answered my questions he made an effort and blurted out one of his own .
22 She started walking again , crossed the road and headed up one of the streets of Regency terraced houses .
23 A wolf skulked past , sniffed at the totem , scrabbled in the hard snow for the corpse of the grandmother and dragged out one of her arms , limping into the night with this meagre feast , to find some place where it could chew its way to the frozen marrow .
24 If so , then I shall cancel my subscription to , New Scientist and take out one of those half-price offers on Nature which are so abundant at the moment .
25 Mrs Lennox crossed over and picked up one of the loaves .
26 He took a deep breath , coughed yet again , and picked up one of the sheets of paper before him .
27 He sat down at the bench and picked up one of the patterns Hari had made on paper .
28 The lines began to shake and the two flags that were pushed into the heaps of stones soon fell over , but Bobbie ran across and picked up one of them .
29 He put the chart down and picked up one of the books .
30 Without changing his position , Jacob reached between himself and the woman and picked up one of the tankards , holding it out to Seb .
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