Example sentences of "and [verb] [noun prp] in the " in BNC.

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1 He was working for an engineering firm and met Herbert in the course of business .
2 Sally left her bag in the cloakroom and met Edward in the balcony milk bar where he had a strawberry milk shake waiting for her .
3 Herbert went to work and visited Clara in the evenings .
4 Lily let herself in with her alarm key at six that evening and found Adam in the shower .
5 What if his Mum came back unexpectedly and found Lee in the house ?
6 One evening Seb entered the farmhouse at dusk and found Carrie in the kitchen .
7 A sample of youth in north Germany interviewed in the late 1950s still revealed significant traces of the ‘ Hitler myth ’ : he had done much good in abolishing unemployment , punishing sexual criminals , constructing the motorways , introducing cheap radio sets , establishing the Labour Service , and reinstating Germany in the esteem of the world .
8 The senior team won the Division One championship and beat Lisnagarvey in the NIBA Senior Cup final , while the ‘ B ’ team also won the Junior Cup title with a victory over Lisnagarvey .
9 The senior team won the Division One championship and beat Lisnagarvey in the NIBA Senior Cup final , while the ‘ B ’ team also won the Junior Cup title with a victory over Lisnagarvey .
10 The latter option is the more likely to produce a stable , peaceful and united Ireland in the long-term .
11 Graham said , leaning forward and looking Slater in the eye .
12 It ensures they finish top of their group and meet Glentoran in the Ulster Cup quarter-finals at Shamrock Park on Tuesday night .
13 ‘ I have to go and see Sybil in the theatre every night .
14 You can come back and see Josh in the morning — but do n't think you can march in here and wheedle your way back into my heart in half an hour — not this time ! ’
15 So I clear my throat and look McDunn in the eyes and say , ‘ All right .
16 I left him to muse on my brilliance and joined Rex in the quiet corner , where the brat was holding court .
17 They probed and measured and cross-questioned Phoebe in the most condescending manner , made worse by the fact that they clearly did not have a clue as to what might have happened .
18 In 1901 he went to Spain , for the most part to study and copy Velázquez in the Prado .
19 Do n't miss our in-depth look at French ace The Fellow , who defends his crown against rising stars Bradbury Star and Tipping Tim in the King George at Kempton .
20 Should have said er well I think you should go and phone Joe in the morning .
21 In the upper section he is prepared for his beheading and there is a fine Salome ; below , in the vase of the pulpit , the saint preaches and baptizes Christ in the River Jordan .
22 The pathologist suddenly dropped his habitual banter , and looked Morse in the eye .
23 She turned round slowly and looked Jake in the eye .
24 Troy entered , threw off his cloak and looked Boldwood in the face .
25 They see the infinite possibilities in the subject-matter , just as a young child , pretending that the table is a house , sees the possibilities in the table , or as the religious person sees and feels God in the thunder or the mountainous waves .
26 After his release and recovery he joined a United Nations medical programme for Third World nations , and reached Celebes in the early 1950s as part of a team of sixteen other doctors and nurses .
27 This theology thus drew an outer and an inner circle , and located Christ in the inner one : the outer circle of sin and judgement stood quite independently of him .
28 In 1866 loyalty to the German Confederation made George side with Austria and oppose Prussia in the contest for German primacy .
29 if the baby right , let me go and put Joseph in the car
30 I looked carefully about me , hiding behind one of those contorted shapes , and glimpsed Dana in the distance , walking away from the group of friends and joining a young woman , tall , pale , dark , distinguished-looking — could it be that dancer of his ?
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