Example sentences of "and [verb] [noun pl] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Joyce and her mother would wash , unpick , iron and re-cut articles from the poor box , making them into garments which their original owners would have been hard pressed to recognise .
2 The gathering was suddenly brought to an end as a cluster of mortar bombs exploded on the village green shattering the windows of the café and dislodging bottles from the shelves .
3 The RedWood effort involves integrating tape subassemblies from the Panasonic arm of Matsushita with the transport and host attachments from the StorageTek tape library .
4 Affronted , Grunte urged the driver onwards , and determined there and then to abandon any idea of making a formal speech and to encourage questions from the girls instead .
5 Two transport and supply regiments from the Third Armoured division are returning from Germany , as part of the rundown of NATO forces there .
6 A group of young drug-addicts and glue sniffers from a nearby remand centre knocked off the voie normale in the company of their warders without too much bother , bringing a new meaning to the old phrase ‘ going high . ’
7 In France the cabinet du ministre in the foreign ministry included from 1886 , under a number of slightly varying titles , a section which translated and analysed articles from the foreign press : by 1907 it was drawing on 175 newspapers for this purpose .
8 We saw that the storm had changed a lot of things as soon as we came to the river that marks the end of the island ; it had swollen hugely , carving immense channels out of the sand , great surging brown trenches of water streaming by and tearing lumps from the banks continually and sweeping them away .
9 If a homosexual union is to be accepted as a marriage and yet denied the right to raise children , what is really being said is that the state has an interest in sheltering and protecting children from a homosexual environment .
10 The column itself is decorated by a long relief frieze wound round from top to bottom and representing episodes from the Emperor 's Dacian campaigns .
11 We could just sit back and collect rents from an ever-decreasing number of tenants .
12 The designer of all this magnificence , one Daniel Robertson , was crippled by gout , and directed operations from a wheelbarrow , toping the while from a flagon of sack .
13 Variations in the influx of inorganic sediment and phosphorus to Lake Pátzcuaro and estimated outputs from the catchment , 4,000–0yrBP .
14 Perhaps you ‘ take control ’ and conduct things from the blackboard ; perhaps you ‘ let them keep working ’ , waiting for the bell to ring .
15 Many of the rather frowsy old biddies who made their living by singing Gay Nineties songs and cadging drinks from the customers , recognized Ella , and several came to sit at our table to have their pictures taken by the resident camera man .
16 Receiving and writing messages from the spirit world ( or the subconscious , depending on which occultist one is talking to ) .
17 It is effectively a social service order as the authority becomes the Guardian and can require the person to live in a certain residential establishment , to accept treatment , occupation or training , and to receive visits from a doctor or social worker .
18 During his visit to the Castle Street school , Mr Hanley sent and received messages from a high school in Osaka .
19 The survivors returned to Alexandria to refit as cavalry and received replacements from the County .
20 Boal sought and received assurances from a number of leading Unionists that they would join such a movement but , when the Ulster Democratic Unionist party was launched on 30 October 1971 , many of those who had expressed interest were absent .
21 In accordance with Article 4 of this Treaty , the British government had sought and received assurances from the United States that if extradition were to take place , the death penalty would not be carried out .
22 Tigers have attacked the dummies and received shocks from the fences .
23 The New York Times of Feb. 10 reported that officials of the US programme for a space-based anti-missile system , the Strategic Defence Initiative ( SDI ) or " Star Wars " project , wanted to buy advanced technological developments and to hire scientists from the equivalent programme of the former Soviet Union .
24 Spry Inc , Seattle , Washington , has introduced Sprysoft NetWare Client for Unix which enables Unix workstations to become NetWare-compatible clients for sharing file and print services from a NetWare server and to share data over NetWare LANs using Unix commands : prices start at $1,000 for SCO Unix and SunOS versions .
25 The Market Hall attracted tradesmen and stall holders from the surrounding district , Northampton and London , most coming by train ; at the Station hand-trucks were kept for their use .
26 I 'd be a lot happier if I could disentangle myself from What I 've already done and create songs from a completely fresh perspective . ’
27 The teams have similar operational policies , including an open referral system , and accept cases from a wide range of agencies .
28 It met for the first time on 25 February 1986 and includes representatives from the Departments of Transport , Environment , Employment , and Trade and Industry ; Kent County Council ; the district councils of ; elected members of Kent local authorities and Parliamentary constituencies ; Eurotunnel ; Transmanche Link ; and British Rail .
29 The most interesting of the latest batch comes in Decca 's ‘ Historic ’ series and includes performances from the earliest days of LP .
30 At the same time , it carries the haemagglutinin and neuraminidase antigens from the human virus which are important in stimulating the production of protective antibody .
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