Example sentences of "and [noun] were [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The contents of her handbag and briefcase were on the table beside him , the Pan Am ticket conspicuous .
2 The opposition Byelarussian Popular Front had claimed that both government and parliament were under the control of former communists .
3 Steam ploughing was another area where the Bethell family and Rise were in the forefront of development at the turn of the century .
4 His deviousness and dishonesty were in the front window for all to see .
5 Doctors and clergymen were among the earliest birth controllers in the middle class .
6 Silas and Matt were at the table before her .
7 There was more to come : about 5,000 troops and seamen were in the area , including the crews of the five minesweepers and four harbour defence boats and the technicians of the naval Works Companies Nos 2 and 4 .
8 When Jack and Alison were in the house together by day they were in the studio ( where Jack was supposed to be teaching Alison to paint ) or else in the drawing room , often watching television .
9 My younger brother and sister were in the same room , sleeping in bunk beds .
10 DeFreitas and Lewis were struggling with muscle stiffness , Smith and Stewart were in the wars from close fielding , and Reeve , picked ahead of the extra batsman Ramprakash for just such a position , was off the field all day with food poisoning .
11 Observers noted that a large number of those involved in racketeering and smuggling were among the estimated 500,000 troops demobilized since 1987 .
12 Leeds possed this at the beginning of the season when Batts , Speed , Macca and Strach were on the field .
13 Purcell , Haydn and Schubert were among the many who derived most of their basic musical training from being apprenticed as choristers .
14 Written by John Kaufman , performer and writer were from the Nez Perce Tribe .
15 In Somerset , for example , they showed by the evidence of Domesday that Dulverton and Winford were of the ‘ ancient demesne ’ of the Crown of England , and therefore ought to remain in Exmoor Forest , according to the provisions of the Charter .
16 WWF members and supporters were amongst the first to receive full details of the new card .
17 Body and mind were among the contraries to be reconciled , and the true union of opposites was always preceded by bitter conflict .
18 Martha and Tilda were in the position of having no spending money , but this was less important when they were not attending school and were spared the pains of comparison , and they felt no bitterness against their mother , because she had n't any either .
19 ‘ I do n't like to seem stuffy friend , but if Bonanza and Mahoney were on the outs I would know it .
20 Ho responded immediately to this newspaper article by proposing various measures which might lead to a return to normality and to the hopeful provisions of the modus vivendi , not least an end to the press and radio incitements from both sides , but whether at this stage Ho and Blum were in the saddle or not , things were beginning to fall apart .
21 LIVERPOOL and Arsenal were among the disappointed clubs yesterday when Andy Awford signed a new contract at Portsmouth .
22 That is why there is so much stress in Luke 's account of the life of Jesus that his deeds and words were at the inspiration of the Spirit ( Luke 4:1,14 ; 10:21 ; 23:46 , etc . ) .
23 Margaret and Dickie were in the garden playing badminton when Mr Remington-Hart rang up and asked to speak to my aunt .
24 ‘ I could n't see his face very well because the leaves and branches were in the way , but I saw him climb the fence and steal the bulbs . ’
25 perhaps it was at this time that a clerk associated with the rebel Poitevins produced a document designed to show that Henry and Eleanor were within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity and their marriage therefore invalid .
26 Manager Alan Murray , assistant manager Eddie Kyle and McAndrew were at the Northern League club at the same time .
27 But I incline to think that our grandfathers and grandmothers were in the right of it , and that no one can claim to understand Wordsworth who has not been to Hawkshead and Ambleside .
28 Jo-Ann and Maximilian and Willoughby were across the room , where visitors always sat .
29 A seneschal , receiver ( equivalent to the constable of Bordeaux ) and controller were at the head of the hierarchy .
30 Drilling operations had meanwhile been shifted to the south , and oil was finally struck in Masjid-i-Suleiman on 26 May 1908 , just as D'Arcy and Burmah were on the point of giving up .
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