Example sentences of "and [noun] and put [art] " in BNC.

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1 En route the 41 club exchanges news and views and puts the world to rights once a day before we take our individual paths into the isolation of a busy office .
2 To the list of writers who developed psychoses Karlsson adds , among others , Hugo , Scott , Tolstoi , Pope , and Poe and puts the overall incidence of such disorders among the individuals he surveyed at around 30 per cent ; a staggeringly high figure , given that , taken together , non-organic forms of psychosis are usually quoted as carrying a lifetime risk of about 5 per cent .
3 But in addition to great patience it does demand a little advance planning ; the business of adding the already garlic-flavoured and cooked but cooled wine to the cheese and eggs and putting the whole mixture together into the cooking pot is important .
4 Returning to his living-room , he mixed some porridge oats with milk and water and put the saucepan on the open hob .
5 The Sergeant was thoughtful as he carefully stubbed out his cigarette with his thumb and finger and put the stub back in the cigarette packet .
6 Fit the screw cap with the bung and airlock and put a small amount of water in the airlock .
7 ‘ Illegal encampments can involve farmers in costly clean up operations , cause damage to crops and land and put the welfare of animals at risk . ’
8 In the event , both athletes discovered their best form , running from the front with assurance and power and putting the old failures behind them .
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