Example sentences of "and [noun] and have [be] " in BNC.

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1 He has already paid a brief visit to Middlesbrough and Hull and has been briefed in general terms on the hopes and needs of our diocese .
2 That he had a thumb in many pies was undeniable : he served as sheriff in both Surrey and Sussex and had been appointed to head a commission examining the revenues of the confiscated estates of George Duke of Clarence , the king 's brother .
3 Ann has taught Medau for 14 years in both Essex and Surrey and has been a member of the National Display team and joint editor of the magazine .
4 One of the people he 's conning is Sir Epicure Manhom who wants a life of ease and luxury and has been giving the alchemist loads of money in order to tu to , to perfect this and funny enough the alchemist has n't managed , has n't managed to do this , to get the person 's money .
5 Normidtec covers Halton , Vale Royal and Warrington and has been in operation for 18 months .
6 David and Catherine have three children , Robert , Shona and Johann and have been members of Kirkintilloch Baptist church for four years .
7 As early as the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. the Greek philosophers and historians had shown a keen interest in foreign doctrines and customs and had been inclined to recognize some value in them .
8 These limitation terms were incorporated in all contracts between seedsmen and farmers and had been for many years .
9 It provides a national platform for information and debate and has been strengthened by the willing co-operation received from SCOTVEC , CAST , SCRE , SCET , HCTB , representatives from industry , Jordanhill College School of Further Education and college Principals .
10 Nevertheless , the National Audit Office concluded that much of its marketing ‘ has lacked focus and drive and has been limited in scope ’ ( ibid .
11 Darlington councillor Frank Robson , chairman of the town 's twinning sub-committee , said : ‘ We already have twin towns in Germany and France and have been looking for a twin in Eastern Europe for some time .
12 The Faculty 's commitment to excellence is evidenced by the outstanding research record of many of its staff and departments and has been recognised by the receipt of research funding from many external bodies .
13 It is organised in year groups and faculties and has been part of the Cheshire ‘ Cost Centre ’ scheme since 1976 .
14 The second man , 20 , has been charged with possession of cannabis and Ecstasy and has been bailed to Court on July 7 .
15 He had suffered vomiting , dizziness , tiredness and headaches and had been seen by a doctor in Winchester before returning to his family home in Scarsdale Road , Norris Green .
16 By their statement of claim the council claimed , inter alia , ( i ) that the council was the county council for Derbyshire and pursuant to statute was responsible for a wide range of governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , and in particular the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( ii ) that in those issues of ‘ The Sunday Times ’ the third and fourth defendants falsely and maliciously wrote and the first and second defendants falsely and maliciously printed and published , or caused to be written , printed or published of and concerning the council and of and concerning the council in the way of its discharge of its responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( iii ) by reason of the words published in the articles the council had been injured in its credit and reputation and had been brought into public scandal , odium and contempt , and had suffered loss and damage .
17 ‘ By reason of the words published on 17 September 1989 and the words and graph published on 24 September 1989 the plaintiff council has been injured in its credit and reputation and has been brought into public scandal , odium and contempt , and has suffered loss and damage .
18 ‘ We are spinners and weavers and have been customers of Courtaulds for 20 years .
19 The British Standard BS 6652 for child resistance is granted to specific combinations of bottle and cap and has been given only for some makes of closures on BS 1679 bottles , which are the ones we use in this hospital .
20 Before that he had served as Minister of External Economic Relations and Supply and had been a member of the MPRP central committee since 1976 .
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