Example sentences of "and [verb] [conj] [vb base] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 We 've actually leased that land for this year , and wait and see what happens .
2 As young romances often come from the most unlikely places , just bide your time and wait and see what turns up !
3 This does not coincide with the realistic view of mankind having to overcome the opposition of nature to do as he wishes and came and cultivate what originally posed a threat , and most often still does .
4 Erm du n no go and look and see what 's on telly tonight .
5 And I believe there 's some roadworks at Stafford , I might even get on my teletext and look and see what roadworks are on the M six , I may even give the A A a ring , to say , but it 's all on teletext and this sort of thing .
6 This helps her work out sales trends , and predict or forecast what will happen to future sales .
7 Now , that 's and example of functional group isomerism what I 'd like you to do now is to try and decide what these two things are called I 'm gon na put on the board and try and decide what you would call them in terms these general labels under structural isomerism .
8 They do an excellent job , members should take a little more interest and go and see what they do .
9 I think there 's always exceptions , but I think you 've got to believe in yourself and go and do what you want to do and if you 're saying there 's opposition , there 's gon na be more opposition , if
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