Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Lots of pictures of Super Sabres , Intruders , Thunderchiefs , Phantoms etc , all sporting colourful markings ( this was before ‘ low-viz ’ became the in thing ) , Crusaders , Corsairs and Skyraiders also feature in all their glory , as does the F–111 and B–52 .
2 With an effort she looked away and made some remark to one of the schoolteachers and became consciously absorbed in the conversation which followed .
3 The Royal Society had its early beginnings in informal meetings and discussion groups , and became properly institutionalized in the 1660s , shortly before receiving Charters from Charles II .
4 For while she returned her kingdom to full doctrinal and liturgical conformity with Rome , many English Protestant exiles fled their homeland and took up residence in Strasbourg , Zurich , Emden , Frankfurt , and Geneva , where they gained first-hand experience of the Zwinglian and Calvinist forms of Protestantism , and became fully immersed in the Calvinist theology of grace and salvation .
5 To allege that a distinction between rulers and ruled always exists in large and complex societies does not really say very much beyond the fact ( which is not disputed , except by certain anarchists ) that such societies can not be run by everyone simultaneously .
6 He noted that this would reduce the risk of accidental or inadvertent conflict between the superpowers , aid the depolarisation of regional conflicts , and raise both states in the eyes of the non-aligned nations .
7 Canada has shut down virtually all cod fishing on its east coast and made deep cuts in quotas for other species .
8 She had worshipped Hendry as she watched him on TV marching to his second Embassy world title last April and made nightly notes in her diary detailing her adulation .
9 They went more and more slowly , and made long halts in the peat-cuts .
10 Raised in London , he suffered polio in childhood and endured long spells in hospital .
11 Secondly , at the end of the story he engineers a fall of quails that drives the people mad with greed , and turns quickly to plague in their mouths .
12 Ellie ran upstairs , threw off her old blouse and skirt and her much darned stockings , and got hurriedly dressed in her Sunday best , yet another variation on the plain black dress with detachable collar and cuffs she had been wearing for as long as she could remember .
13 ‘ Tank you , ’ he said , being unusually polite , and toddled off to rummage in his toy box which sat in the corner .
14 Robert Meaby says that more young talent is in the Eastbourne pipeline and indeed the addition of a good player or two can work wonders — Rossalls 's new recruit David Tonroe , 19 , from Hong Kong , has spent two years at university in California , plays to plus one and has already appeared in the Eisenhower Trophy .
15 The new technique attacks cancer but NOT healthy tissue , and has already worked in tests on animals .
16 He has been with BMK for 12 years and has previously worked in sales and production .
17 The Dovercourt branch of the National Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders has volunteered to carry out the work free of charge and has even joined in raising funds .
18 The choice of Mr Bernerd ( who recently hit the headlines in connection with the case of ex-Heritage Minister David Mellor and Ms Antonia de Sancha ) as the company 's financial backer , seems to have been an uneasy choice and has not resulted in a long-term commitment to the gallery at a difficult time for the art market .
19 In 1971 , 601 went to California U.S.A. for preservation , and has since operated in downtown San Francisco for the Trolley Festival .
20 As a result he joined the Royal Manor of Portland Athletics Club and has since run in several races for the club in the Dorset Road Racing League , although he has yet to catch up with his friend Tony Coleman from B40 Workshop !
21 Inner London is dominated by teaching hospitals and medical schools and has traditionally taken in a significant number of patients from outside its area .
22 A strong sense of regional identity characterises the Boards and has undoubtedly assisted in breaking down the traditional divisions between capital and labour .
23 Sequoia employs around 400 staff , and has recently opened in the UK , with a 12-strong Hayes , Middlesex-based operation under Guy Nordgrove .
24 The first volume of what must eventually be one of the great modern biographies , John Richardson 's book was published last year and has now appeared in paperback .
25 It has sold another £28m of assets and has now pulled in £70m from disposals since it took over the Brookmount property group in August .
26 It 's hardly ever reported in the Third World and er taking the facts that we 've just been talking about into account , it would be tempting to see anorexia as related to conflicts about the beginning of a young woman 's reproductive life because what normally happens is , and has certainly happened in the only case of this that occurred in my family , the young woman in question lost so much weight that she stopped cycling and in fact erm puberty changes went into reverse , she actually regressed , she started puberty and er she had this anorexia problem and she stopped cycling and , and all her body changes reversed , she went back to pre-puberty again erm because of oh no , oh no it did n't , she lost her body hair and stuff yeah , er her , her , her hormonal changes .
27 Winter colds with much sneezing , coryza and headache as if it would burst which is worse ( < ) motion , in a person who is chilly and wants to be warmly wrapped and has much aching in the bones .
28 This summer marked the retirement of two of our teachers : Anna Koller , who qualified in 1966 and has taught in West London and Buckinghamshire , and Mabel Io Smith , who qualified in 1971 and has always taught in Surrey .
29 It is noticeable that though Derrida is a philosopher , albeit one interested in literature , and has always worked in an academic-philosophical context , even if on the margins of the subject , his major impact in North America has been in literature departments .
30 No luck this time , only a couple of redshanks take fright and fly off yelping in alarm , and a female merganser swims among the thongweed , head poking under the water to look for small fish .
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