Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] so [det] " in BNC.

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1 And she loved his body , the astringent unsweaty cleverness of it , that gave with delight and asked for so little back .
2 The problem is that understanding is a personal process and depends on so many different factors .
3 MI5 and Special Branch also open mail illegally and break into so many properties that they have one section that does nothing else .
4 As regards the salaries of the U S A we 've read and seen about so many companies that pay sky-high for v various salaries and other schemes , we do n't want that in this country but we do want a degree of evenness and I would repeat as somebody has already said , that your salary has gone up fifty six percent which is very , very high .
5 Small wonder , then , that Marcus Judge was still feared and hated by so many men in the Isle of Dogs .
6 In April the Prince went off to the Kalahari Desert for a few days with Sir Laurens Van der Post , to see for himself the society that his friend had written and talked about so much .
7 Scarlet supposed she should be grateful that her daughter had not shaved her head , tattooed her nose or chosen to go around in floor-length black , hung about with chains and crucifixes like so many of the girls on the streets .
8 The land which they had loved and tended for so many generations — to survive off this land was the aim of their lives , the justification for all struggles .
9 ‘ We are delighted to have created this prestigious exhibition which has been well received and enjoyed by so many visitors . ’
10 Perhaps her very strengths , her enthusiasm and drive for so many causes , led to inadequate public recognition of her work .
11 You will no doubt appreciate that letting property today is very complex and governed by so much legislation that it is essential you enjoy a competent Managing Agent .
12 They were hysterical and hiccupping with so much laughter .
13 out on the sites again , doing his engineering stuff and playing with so much more composure for Lansdowne in the All Ireland League .
14 They were dragged , shrieking and weeping from their homes and hurled like so much old clothing into the middle of the road .
15 As the young individuals of the Young Conservatives voice their ambitions and settle for so much less , so the operations of ideology are to be observed .
16 The international businessman is battered and buffeted by so many external forces that even if he is operating skilfully within his own limitations he may not always win .
17 I hope that we are never foolish enough to take what it does for granted — because that is when it will begin to crumble and fail like so many others have done .
18 He was , in fact , a superb achiever and should have been recognized as such , and loaded with so much extra work and responsibilities that the pheasants would have been left in peace .
19 It was Mr Dickens 's favourite town and described in so many of his books .
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