Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 It is advisable , wherever appropriate , to get managers to certify entries in a learning diary and to include in it references which may be difficult to obtain at a later date .
2 There 's only one thing that struck me when I was reading through it but a as I say , we we got to look at this from point of view are we going to date this as it lies at the present moment and add to it pieces that we want , or do we start off by having the pieces o i its its now whe w w
3 It 's cheap , it 's easily available and playing with it teaches children all about weight , volume , the way liquids behave — and how to have fun !
4 Anticipating the problem does not make it any less likely to occur , but planning and preparing for it helps one to cope with it , and will emphasize that professional and consistent judgment has been exercised .
5 Some children have little idea of how to chew and so parents demonstrating biting and chewing and talking about it shows the child how to do it .
6 In ‘ God 's Cop ’ , Mark Day 's guitar is raw and rasping like it eats ten jangly guitars for breakfast ; rhythm and booze at its best , but gelling easily with the older , classic Bez-dance tunes ‘ Hallelujah ’ and ‘ Wrote For Luck ’ , both still mesmeric , especially with tonight 's flashy light show , and ‘ Step On ’ still makes a stomping lingering finale .
7 An ability to help bring a child into the world and care for it does not necessarily create a good parent .
8 If he could help himself this would be mental vandalism ; but he ca n't ; Stavrogin 's are yawns that refuse to be stifled ; automatism and involuntarism are finally one , and the tragic villain-hero who at once apprehends the ‘ sensible idea ’ and yawns at it betrays a high but helpless intelligence recalling Raskolnikov as well as Svidrigailov .
9 Apparently she receives the Ilkley newspaper regularly and read in it details of the Alternative Medicine Centre .
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