Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] it [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Encore Computer Corp , Fort Lauderdale , Florida has teamed with New Straits Times Technologies Pvt Ltd of Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia to establish Asia Pacific Encore Pvt Ltd , and looks for it to generate $55m of business over the next five years .
2 One way or another , you place your order , but the wise gardener does not just sit and wait for it to come .
3 It was this loco that regularly worked the 17.09 two coach local from Chesterfield to Sheffield in 1962 , and after school it was customary to go down to the station and wait for it to arrive light engine .
4 Visitors to the gallery may spin a wheel of fortune and wait for it to stop and illuminate one or another of eight room tableaux .
5 The ticket hall had one of those systems where you take a number from a machine by the door and wait for it to appear above one of the ticket windows .
6 While some of them are able to accept the situation with equanimity and wait for it to pass , others tend to panic and assume that the condition must of necessity be a permanent one .
7 Jumping spiders , on the other hand , stalk their prey or perhaps stay hidden and wait for it to pass close by .
8 sector and wait for it to come round again and take the next sector .
9 Yeah , and wait for it to come round again and t by which time it will have shoved it off somewhere and
10 I wish I 'd never taken Maurin 's money , but all I can do now is keep quiet and wait for it to end . ’
11 Yeah ours is in airing , you 've got to bend down and look at it to see if light 's on .
12 ‘ There 's this fascinating gestation period between listening to something and waiting for it to come out in your playing .
13 The house and grounds were marked on the Ordnance Survey map for that part of Suffolk and Lewis , when he was feeling low , would get it out and look at it to cheer himself up .
14 Carry the item with you wherever you go and take it out and look at it to bring back these memories as a way of relaxing you , raising your spirits , and focusing your thoughts .
15 In January 1989 the human rights organization Amnesty International urged the government to investigate numerous killings of trade union leaders and called for it to take immediate action over the suspected participation of police and members of the judiciary in harassment of and death threats against peasant leaders .
16 Then he puts more water in the kettle and waits for it to boil .
17 When the work started the house was furious , she put every possible obstacle in the way of the builders and arranged for it to rain as soon as the slates come off .
18 In front of the Brandenburg Gate and elsewhere , they perched precariously on top of the Wall , clapping and calling for it to go .
19 Most organisms , ranging from other microbes to man , can absorb folic acid and rely on it to provide their needs , and so they are not affected by sulphonamides .
20 He started walking away and he 's still walking kind of fast , so I grabbed his sweater from the back and pulled on it to slow him down .
21 Mrs Paisley brought a message from her husband in prison , condemning the rioting and asking for it to stop .
22 Seals are aquatic mammals that feed at sea and emerge from it to rest , give birth and tend their pups .
23 I waded over it , trying to drag the four hundredweight on its side , and when all else failed , I beat it with my fist , kicked and cursed and pleaded with it to try harder .
24 Then add the following checklist and go through it to see how you rate your performance .
25 He reached the cocktail cabinet and leaned over it to scoop up a couple of two-hundred-year-old goblets .
26 A typical motion will congratulate Her Majesty 's Government on its policy , and call upon it to continue .
27 The girl tapped Adam 's room number into the computer and waited for it to print out the bill .
28 ‘ When they realised that one was missing the others stopped as they were about to leave Hoxa Sound and waited for it to catch up , ’ he said .
29 He placed a chocolate under his tongue and waited for it to melt down .
30 I covered up my head and waited for it to strike , ’ he explained yesterday .
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