Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] would [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At least Ferdinando 's reaction was to be penitent and vow he would not visit the caffè again .
2 The boys queued in sets of five outside the headmaster 's room , each clutching his signed slip and praying he would not be singled out for special treatment .
3 ‘ So take the box back with you , ’ she said gently , ‘ and say I would not dream of accepting anything , because of course they are family things .
4 I should destroy the crops and burn every building , and flatten what would n't burn . ’
5 I knew that academically I was the least qualified and assumed I would n't get it .
6 For example , for the book on Wills and Probate it would not be sufficient to index this book under the term ‘ Wills ’ alone , since this heading would not reveal the section of the book on ‘ Probate ’ .
7 Simeon longed for the coming of the Christ and believed he would not die until he had seen him .
8 She should have known she could n't forget Undry and hope everything would just stop .
9 ‘ I could wait for dark , bypass the current in the fence , climb over , sneak up to the house , stick a bug on one of the windows and hope they would n't see it . ’
10 Cllr Eddie McEvilly , Labour , said : ‘ It is really quite disgraceful for chief officers to show our hand like this and reveal we would not have a strong case . ’
11 go on and says you would n't mind my telly
12 Their own consensual efforts to deny and suppress them would then be exposed for the deceitful sham they have always been .
13 No-one would judge an overseas subsidiary purely on its cash flow , because if it was doing well and growing it would n't be sending much money home , whereas if it was in decline and its working capital requirement was decreasing , it would become cash positive .
14 Howard would surely not have objected to either , although the idea of a department of corrections would have been very strange to him and the idea that it could act as a system to feed and clothe itself would presumably have seemed a desirable but unreal and irrelevant objective .
15 The resolution , which had been given provisional approval on Tuesday night , declared the Congress 's support for fundamental economic reform and pledged there would not be a return to the Communist administrative-command system .
16 Susan had tagged a uniformed cop on the beat ill the distance , and guessed she would n't want to talk to him about the corpse .
17 When I confronted him outside the refectory and insisted that the resident be allowed to finish his meal , he exploded in a torrent of foul language and vowed he would never return .
18 She flew into a rage and vowed she would not accept Silas 's ring until he 'd evicted that bossy , domineering woman from the house in which they would begin their married life . ’
19 It was a personal triumph for Gen Morillon , who went to Srebrenica last Thursday and declared he would not abandon the town 's 60,000 desperate inhabitants until the convoy got through .
20 I loved those girls and was sad to leave them and know I would never see them again .
21 Meanwhile , the pilot of Beyond Our Ken was listened to by the BBC mandarins , who decided they liked a great deal about it and decreed it would definitely become a radio series .
22 She was both proud and fearful for him and , as she continued to look on him , thought of the vast and mighty oceans he would cross , the loneliness of such journeys , and prayed he would not regret his decision to leave them .
23 As she lifted her head to look at him , he proudly held the peonies at arm 's length and prayed she would not notice their many imperfections .
24 While reporting strong inquiry levels , he said orders were still quiet and warned it would not be possible for the European automated systems business to sustain its 1991 performance this year .
25 He came up and swore he 'd never go down again , it was no life for an animal ] And he stuck to that .
26 ‘ Morning , ratface , ’ she said , quite affectionately because after that momentary frisson she had remembered the duck and known she would never love him again .
27 And then Boy cut back to the man on the bed , who was saying ( actually it was a different man in a different room , Boy realised ; the sofa and the quilted nylon counterpane were in a different colour in this room , though the man sitting there looked just like the last one ) , the man was saying I like your shoes , please take off your shoes ; and Boy cut backwards and forwards between this man and the politician beginning to lose his self-control and saying I would just ask people to forgive me really and to forgive my wife as well .
28 CATHERINE And threatening me would n't have helped .
29 That , sadly , is a market at work , and suppressing it would only bestow the seedy glamour of the underground .
30 He wondered what would happen if he swam to her underwater and surprised her , and decided he would probably be imprisoned by Naseby for rape .
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