Example sentences of "and [noun] that their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What he saw was incredible to him : imperfect stones , yes , flawed , sometimes of poor coloration , but cut and set with such skill and ingenuity that their imperfections were disguised .
2 Ultimately , if a journal editor is to be a gatekeeper of scientific knowledge , procedures must be in place to assure both readers and authors that their work is to be taken seriously .
3 Ponyboy constantly reminisces about those ‘ golden times ’ when his parents were alive and how , now , their lives were a daily struggle to survive and keep the remaining family together without the love , warmth and security that their parents would have provided .
4 Hewlett-Packard Co , IBM Corp and the rest of the Common Open System Environment companies were quick to step forward and stress that their collaboration on the interface does not affect their Unix operating system plans in any shape or form .
5 It is clear from thinking in Brussels and Paris that their views on international trade owe more to Friedrich List than to Adam Smith , although it is always surprising that they bemoan their countries ' so-called tutelage to the United States and at the same time attack the liberal economic policies which lie at the root of American power : why do they not realise that they should adopt economic liberalism as well ?
6 RSFSR Prime Minister Silayev complained to Lithuania and Estonia that their pricing policy violated inter-governmental agreements since , as a consequence of the price rises , cheaper foodstuffs were being exported to the Baltic from the RSFSR .
7 From the poor they extract money in payment for the good luck and fecundity that their blessings are supposed to impart .
8 ‘ Let the carnage of Musgrave Park be a clear demonstration to those who support the thugs and gangsters that their help and silence leads to out and out barbarism . ’
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