Example sentences of "and [noun] [vb mod] be given " in BNC.

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1 More training courses on organics at Agricultural Colleges should also be a priority , and grants should be available to the pioneering organic groups so that more research and support can be given to farmers .
2 Companies involved in industry and agriculture would be given priority under the plan , but other sectors included construction , trade , services , transport and communications .
3 They may feel particularly threatened , especially if they think that their power and responsibility may be given to the specialists involved directly with the technology .
4 Both the European Directive and the principles of natural justice required that there should be a full inquiry before a recommendation is made , and reasons should be given for the recommendation .
5 The words " in liquidation " should follow the name , and there should then follow " by the liquidator AB of … " , and his address and description should be given .
6 Tobacco is a drug and addicts should be given a chance to ease off gradually .
7 Vietnam had agreed to the arrangements for repatriation and aid would be given to assist resettlement , Mr Hurd said .
8 Before trying to link the legal model of corporate managerial power to a particular conception of the company a sketch of three conceptions of the company which have vied at different periods for dominance in corporate law doctrine and scholarship will be given .
9 It was agreed that he , RW , and CW should be given advance warning of the arrival of new research workers , in order to assess requirements for space , laboratory facilities , library and computing services .
10 In some cases — for example , maternal pyrexia and prolonged rupture of membranes — the rapid test is unnecessary and antibiotics should be given regardless of carriage .
11 Teachers would be trained on an Institution of Environmental Health course and schools would be given booklets on food safety .
12 Information on road and rail access to both the workplace and schools should be given .
13 We offer excellent training in all aspects of Transfusion Science and help will be given towards State Registration and/or full professional qualifications with paid course and exam fees and time off for study on day release .
14 Section 2 of the Legal Advice and Assistance Act , 1972 , provides in effect that legal advice and assistance may be given on the application of Scots law to a particular matter .
15 The expert may need to do more than receive submissions , and directions should be given about the arrangements for physical inspections , site visits and the like .
16 If this works correctly , all is well and attention may be given to building the receiver .
17 Whether information fell within this implied term to prevent its use or disclosure by an ex-employee depended on the circumstances , and attention should be given to the following : a ) the nature of the employment , b ) the nature of the information , c ) whether the employer stressed the confidential nature of the material , d ) whether the information could be easily isolated from other material the employee was free to use .
18 Policies must be understood as products of politics , and attention must be given to the policy creation roles of politicians , civil servants , pressure groups and the electorate .
19 But a comparison of the kangaroo with the closure and the guillotine would be admissible , and credit would be given for it .
20 Proposals should have to be advertised locally , the manifesto says , and customers should be given a right of audience before the licensing authorities to oppose unwelcome changes .
21 The study did not show any major differences between doctors and nurses , indicating that nurses who are specifically trained to assess attempted suicide patients and who work in a team where there is a psychiatrist available for consultation and supervision can be given responsibility for the initial assessment of these patients .
22 Thus , the subject should be given particular emphasis within programmes of post-initial in-service training for further education teachers ; consideration should be given to the possible inclusion of an element of introduction to the subject at the initial teacher-training stage ; and emphasis should be given to the provision of short courses .
23 . Just a reminder that erm , expenses and apologies should be given to Suzanne or Eileen .
24 I would enter a plea that I have often made that the street officer 's authority … and discretion should be given better recognition .
25 Paragraph 29/10/1(f) of the 1993 White Book recommends that the affidavit should explain why the plaintiff needs an interim payment and details should be given of any special needs and hardship .
26 It is available now but supplies are not huge and priority will be given to prized customers .
27 Below 1,500 feet , the maps should be ignored and priority should be given to checking for suitable fields below while also searching for lift , re-checking on the local wind direction and moving towards a better area of fields if necessary .
28 Remember , your customers and staff must be given a choice between protected food or unprotected food , a healthy office or a sick building , a sterile hospital theatre or a source of dangerous infection .
29 Lots of affection and praise should be given when the pup is good , or performs a new task successfully .
30 The independence of republics within existing borders would be recognized , if the republics wished it , and minorities would be given a second nationality and their own schools and legislature .
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