Example sentences of "and [noun] [vb pp] to a " in BNC.

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1 On the very same day as its official launch , three environmental groups — Friends of the Earth , Greenpeace and Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment — presented their own solution to the waste dilemma .
2 Briefly she wondered whether he 'd already drunk himself into oblivion and was lying in a paralytic stupor on the hearthrug while saucepans boiled dry on the stove and vegetables burned to a crisp .
3 The party 's general secretary , Achille Occhetto , acknowledged the failure of communist policies in 1989 , and said that the new name represented " the two great ideas that define the fundamental alliance of the forces of renovation in the world " , while its new emblem , an oak tree with the hammer and sickle reduced to a small detail beneath it , combined a representation of the history of the workers ' movement with " our duty to live in a relationship with nature " .
4 After the presentation of trophies the Scottish Amicable teams and supporters retired to a local hostelry for a victory and re-union celebration .
5 From April 1 , 1989 , the limit for advice and assistance provided to a petitioner for divorce or judicial separation has been three times the sum for preparation for magistrates ' court criminal proceedings ; and in other cases , two times that sum .
6 PREVIOUSLY uncatchable fish are being suckered into grabbing baits and flies attached to a new ‘ invisible ’ line .
7 Rowntree 's Smarties verdict small box and packaging kept to a minimum , good value eighty three pence per hundred grams !
8 The 51 dairy cows and heifers sold to a top price of £1,430 , £1,310 and £1,230 all for calved Friesians .
9 ‘ Last coupla days there 's been a couple having grub and stuff delivered to a room in the Regal Arms .
10 The latter is concerned with the duties and rights attached to a particular job title .
11 Poly(A) + RNA ( 1 m g ) was mixed with oligo ( dT ) 12- 18 ( 0.5 µg ) and water added to a total volume of 11 µl .
12 Tickets , likely to cost £1 , will go on sale by 1994 in shops and booths linked to a state-of-the-art computer which will be used to draw the winning numbers .
13 So how do students feel when the likes of Gary Lineker , Bryan Robson , Nigel Kennedy and Lenny Henry are handed honorary degrees by their universities while they 're swotting in some squat with all the comfort and respect afforded to a New Age Traveller ?
14 As skirts shortened , so heels rose and toes narrowed to a point .
15 Yet again , is the price of having such a distinction doctors who are afraid to act and patients condemned to a lingering death ?
16 The control which state and interests together could exert over society and economy contributed to a uniquely low level of class conflict for much of the twentieth century so ensuring a political stability that reached a head over the period 19455 .
17 Almost 300 bullocks stores and beef sold to a top price of £945 and to £171.72 per 100kg for a 290kg Simmental selling at £498 .
18 It was reported in October 1991 that 73-year-old Orton was subjected to a special regime known as ‘ cell punishment ’ — forced to squat on the floor with arm and leg-irons chained to a metal rod behind his knees for up two days and nights .
19 WE WOULD like to thank Stephen Yip and all the staff at KIND for the care and consideration shown to a colleague of ours during her recent difficulties .
20 The people 's committees connoted a manifestation of profound discontent against deprivation and oppression : high rents , interest rates , large grain collections , the exactions and interventions of landowners and police contributed to a spontaneous revolutionary environment .
21 In most situations it is advisable that the research project be given a ‘ low profile ’ , with the actual work of data-gathering and analysis confined to a small group of four or five suitably qualified people .
22 After roots ( and a winter fallow ) , instead of barley I prefer to grow a dredge mixture of oats , barley , rye , and peas undersown to a herbal ley to be fed on the straw to young cattle in early winter .
23 This now emerged in lectures and papers given to a variety of audiences , including doctors , teachers , social workers , and other members of the helping professions , as well as analysts .
24 Efforts will continue to be made to set free Brightness as well as all the other whales and dolphins condemned to a life in which they can not experience the mental stimulation that only the challenges and joys of life in the open ocean can provide .
25 A realistic , practical approach , attention to detail and facts compared to a creative , imaginative approach , concerned with vision and potential .
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