Example sentences of "and [noun] [prep] a way " in BNC.

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1 Play and Say uses puppets to present language and activities in a way which will interest young children .
2 By the 1690s the northern colonies were spreading north and west in a way that was quite likely to lead to an eventual conflict with New France , though the distance between the English and the French colonies was still too great for a full-scale conflict to be possible .
3 ‘ We would like the Community to work towards a simple document — a European Record of Achievement — which would set out an individual jobseeker 's qualifications and experience in a way which could be recognised easily by employers in other countries . ’
4 Contrary to the process in Eco 's novel , Pazzi effects a caesura between past and present in a way that is disturbing — the fascination of his novel is also a morbid one .
5 ‘ The fact that you remove saturated fat from your diet is profoundly important , ’ says Professor James , ‘ and you get an additional 10 per cent fall in cholesterol levels if you happen to eat more fruit and vegetables as a way of removing saturated fat from the diet .
6 If Joshua 6 represents God as mixed up in humanity 's games of power and violence in a way that is denied by the Crucified God of the Gospels , 1 Samuel 4–6 , in both its tragedy and its comedy , would declare his refusal to play along with us on our terms , and his insistence on doing his own thing .
7 And once again I would propose that the language of indeterminism is preferable : it portrays human action as an expression of motives , reasons and purposes open to the influence of incentives and disincentives in a way that ‘ makes sense ’ to us as potential offenders ourselves .
8 She contrasts materials , symbolic objects and images in a way that begins to reveal hidden emotions and aspects of identity .
9 Midges drawn by the smell of their sweat swarmed round their heads and young Angus began to regret his curiosity , but his father 's face was set and dark in a way that froze out complaints , or chatter of any kind .
10 It seems to be one of the basic functions of art to enable us to acknowledge thought and perception in a way that other things do not .
11 He also scrutinizes the sexual acts , fears , and fantasies of selected soldiers and administrators in a way which is revealing both of their personal dynamics and of their working conditions .
12 This in turn generates a need to go on making new perceptions and associations in a way that is recognized both in animals and in man ( Humphrey and Keeble , 1976 ) .
13 The drawing room , dining room and library combine elegance and homeliness in a way that suits our century admirably .
14 For , as a representation of the Paraguayan people 's suffering and of a hoped-for redeemer who is one of their own , it articulates popular sentiments and aspirations in a way that institutionalized religion has failed to do in its subservience to an oppressive social system .
15 What is interesting is that you had a kind of real intellectual respect for intellectual content and expertise and professionalism in a way that previous programmers perhaps have n't .
16 The French were sufficiently worried by the rapidity of German industrialisation and by the quality of their wares that by the 1890s they had begun to invest in Russian railways , coal , steel and textiles as a way of controlling and reducing German competition .
17 That encourages experiential learning and socialisation in a way that few Western special education or therapeutic settings do .
18 Also , it is not a regulation involving bans and prohibitions , it is a recommendation to member states to implement the aims and principles in a way appropriate to their national circumstances .
19 ‘ Over-involved ’ is a derogatory label still used by professionals to describe anxious , supportive relatives , yet it takes extraordinary judgment and sensitivity to manage a close relative 's abnormal beliefs and behaviour in a way which neither colludes with pathological beliefs nor alienates the sufferer .
20 We saw it the last time in action on the weekend of the French vote on Maastricht — harnessing all our resources to serve the viewer and listener in a way no-one else can .
21 As practitioners progress in their careers it becomes increasingly difficult and onerous to remember and record prior experience and achievement in a way which can achieve the type of credit which is often needed ( and is becoming more important in the present climate of belief that individuals should not be required to repeat learning which has already taken place ) .
22 Visually they were a delight , mixing film and paintings in a way that riveted .
23 This involves standing up for one 's personal rights and expressing one 's thoughts , feelings , and beliefs in a way which is usually inappropriate and always violates the rights of the other person .
24 Adventure stones overlap in their subject matter , attitudes and characters in a way that can be confusing .
25 Clive Barker ( 1977 ) of Warwick University has given new substance to the use of games in the training of actors and Brian Watkins ( 1981 ) has evolved a theoretical framework conceptually linking drama and game in a way which I shall attempt to build on in the next chapter .
26 What qualities should you look for in a hotel bed — and , apart from the bed , itself , how important are those little extras like hairdriers , giveaways and mini-bars as a way of adding value in a highly , price-conscious accommodation market ?
27 Baudrillard goes even further than this by suggesting that the whole of contemporary life is dedicated to consumption and communication in a way which has become wholly disconnected from meaning and content .
28 Insofar as good credit scoring systems weigh up an individual 's characteristics and background in a way which truly and accurately does reflect wide experience of similar characteristics and background , these systems can discriminate between good and bad risks more reliably than non-scoring systems which make a more partial and subjective stab at the same target .
29 It advocated action on housing and unemployment as a way in which Labour could begin to communicate with workers on both sides of the sectarian divide .
30 And , finally , it can officially accredit students ' learning , thus giving it public recognition and status in a way that is simply not possible for the autodidact .
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