Example sentences of "and [noun] [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The first glimpse of Father Philip had made his heart turn and contract in him with the pain of the memories that tugged him back towards Aber , older memories than the bitterness and anger that had driven him away .
2 If supplementary benefit is an inducement to strike activity , then knowledge of how the system operates and reliance on it as a source of livelihood must enter into workers ' plans before embarking on strikes .
3 These aspects of the changing experience of the elderly will be surveyed , using primarily documentary sources , in order to reconstruct the experiences of an age group and attitudes to them in a period of significant social change .
4 Er certainly the , the people who worked and flew from this field er gather distinction , honour and glory unto themselves for their er .
5 It can only be realised fully by involving able people and delegating power and responsibility to them in ways which allow the whole organisation to take responsibility for outcomes and for future action .
6 She took the torch , using it freely now because speed was of the first importance , and stealth of none at all , and went on down the slippery path towards the thick box hedge , behind which the invisible red roof hung , representing help and companionship .
7 But it is as Anne Rice that she is most accessible , writing about history and horror with everything from eighteenth-century castrati in Venice and Scottish demons to Egyptian mummies in Edwardian England .
8 Thus the traditional retirement resorts have already experienced a large increase in the number of very elderly people who place extra demands on health and residential care facilities , to the extent that in places like Worthing , Hastings , Eastbourne and Clacton around one in eight people were aged 75 or over in 1981 .
9 With a little more attention to the parser it could have been a Sizzler , but even as it stands it 's well worth your dosh so get out there and part with it at once !
10 The School Government Regulations even allow the governors to decide that any matter ‘ by reason of its nature ’ should be treated as confidential and so exclude papers and minutes about it from public scrutiny .
11 The achievements made to date are impressive and are a credit to the individual skills , determination and enthusiasm of everyone in the Group .
12 There is now great momentum and enthusiasm from everyone in the project team which forms an excellent springboard for commissioning this year . ’
13 Thus you shall never hear of Michael Heseltine 's desire to drive a blood-red Grand Prix car , scattering Mansells and Sennas before him with the sublime panache of Mr Toad .
14 Photographic memories apart , most people forget about 50% of what they 've read within minutes of putting the book down , and 80% of it within twenty-four hours .
15 Set against the wide open spaces of the Canadian Arctic , an Inuit ( Eskimo ) woman saves the life of a shipwrecked sailor , and returns with him to Britain .
16 Of course arpeggios and passage-work generally can freely pass through this part of the compass : it is only when a passage turns and returns on itself within these narrow limits that it becomes both really awkward for the player and uninteresting in sound .
17 It 's part and parcel of it for a woman , do n't you agree ? ’
18 After leaving Argentina illegally in 1940 , he flew Spitfires and Hurricanes for us during the war .
19 Barbara Bush was cosy and Mumsy with lots of grandchildren and a careless habit of wearing different coloured espadrilles on her feet ; Hillary Clinton is the cool , radical feminist with an independent mind .
20 The development of the law along these lines is recent and confirmation of it by an august Commission is ominous .
21 But its possession , the sight and weight of it on her key ring , had come to symbolize for her the certainty and the trust of their friendship .
22 Negotiations followed as a result of which M. signed a document , whereby he surrendered the lease in consideration of the landlord accepting goods , listed in an inventory made by the bailiffs , ‘ in full and final settlement of all claims and demands against me under the terms of the lease . ’
23 I hereby surrender the lease of the above premises dated 19 May 1972 in consideration of you accepting the goods set out in the inventory below in full and final settlement of all claims and demands against me under the terms of the said lease and specified in the notice of distress dated 2 March 1988 .
24 On 2 March 1988 the first defendant surrendered the lease in consideration of the plaintiff accepting goods listed in an inventory , which were later sold for £309 , in full and final settlement of all claims and demands against him under the lease .
25 Yet once he had started he applied his mind and industry to it with such vigour that he had mastered more books in that short space than any child before or since .
26 In a desperate bid to stay airborne , most are laying off staff , cancelling services , and selling routes and aircraft to anyone with ready cash .
27 That is why we put forward our amendment and hope against all hope that Labour may see the light and vote with us on our amendment .
28 8 Mark in the beds and borders on it to the dimensions required , in the required positions .
29 He is lead to changes of the dosing of remedies because the ‘ variety among patients as to their irritability , age , spiritual and bodily development necessitate a great variety in their treatment and administration to them of the doses of medicines ’ .
30 I 'm missing you all very much and looking forward to a time of sharing and renewal with you in April .
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